thomas more and margaret pole relationship

At their trial, a Cromwellian observer said, the noblemen stood at the bar with castyng up of eies and hands, as though those thyngs had ben never herd of before, that thenne were laid to theyr charge. [12] In May 1536, Reginald finally and definitively broke with the king. Was she, at this point or that, doing nothing of interest at all or was she doing everything, in a way that was almost supernaturally discreet? Edward IV died in 1483 when Margaret was ten. In May 1539 Henry, Margaret, Exeter and others were attainted, as Margaret's father had been. Ursula Pole, married Henry Stafford, whose title and lands were lost when his father was executed for treason and attainted, restored to a Stafford title under Edward VI. Such was his reputation that the the great universities Oxford and Cambridge made him high steward. Richard Pole was appointed to the household of Arthur, eldest son of Henry VII and Prince of Wales, heir apparent. Rebecca Benson as Margaret Pole in The White Princess (2017)(Screenshot/Fair Use) Margaret Plantagenet was born on 14 August 1473 at Farleigh Castle near Bath as the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence and Isabel Neville. Even the more sedate accounts agree that, like Thomas Cromwell, she was hacked about by a second-string executioner. Soon he was acting as Henrys personal secretary and adviser, delivering official speeches, greeting foreign envoys, drafting treaties and other public documents, and composing the kings responses to Wolseys dispatches. Reginald replied to books Henry sent him with his own pamphlet, pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione, or de unitate, which denied Henry's position on the marriage of a brother's wife and denied royal supremacy. No one would stage a rebellion in her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge. He later studied at . EDWARD STAFFORD, THIRD DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, eldest son of Henry Stafford, second Duke of Buckingham, was born at Brecknock Castle on 3 Feb. 1477-8. Bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, once Chancellor of England and a close royal friend, had both . She was, Pierce says, intelligent, unquestionably virtuous, traditionally pious, and possessed an easy familiarity with the convoluted etiquette of a royal court. Margaret was not executed with her eldest son, but was held in the Tower for the last years of her life the king paying her bills, outfitting her as became a great lady in furred petticoats and a satin nightgown. Geoffrey appealed to Thomas Cromwell, who had him arrested and interrogated. The accounts differ slightly; Marillac's report, dispatched two days afterwards, recorded that the execution took place in a corner of the Tower with so few people present that, in the evening, news of her execution was doubted. In the spring of 1536 the Boleyn family were destroyed, and the Pole family and other English grandees grouped themselves about the incoming queen, Jane Seymour. To that end, he spent the next three years in study and prayer, wearing a hair shirt next to his skin (a practice he never abandoned), and struggling to reconcile his genuine religious fervor with the demands of the outside world. So yes, the Pole family were cousins to de la Pole family. She was attended by servants and received an extensive grant of clothing in March 1541. But literacy was their usual weapon, not spells, and many of them picked up enough legal knowledge to fight their corner in civil disputes. Her fiction is stiff and chary, as if she is too constrained by her knowledge of the pitfalls to turn her characters loose in their own lives. More essentially argued that communal life is the only way to end the ill effects of self-interest on politics. Because she was a girl Margaret did not represent the same threat. But Margaret Pole, one of the great magnates of Tudor England, is not overlooked. . It was the beginning of a fertile new line. The reasons were various, but the most important was Katharines position as aunt to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Charles would not let his aunt be cast aside (he was also considering the dynastic appeal of her daughter with Henry), and he pressured the pope to deny Henrys petition. Lewis, Jone Johnson. It was not a bloodbath, but a selective cull, carried through by process of law. [2] His heir was his son Thomas. Pierces book is thorough and scholarly, and her work is acknowledged in Higginbothams biography, which is less detailed, but serious and judicious. Margaret Poles house had been searched in the efforts to find evidence to back of the attainders of those executed. When Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a daughter, Mary, Margaret Pole was asked to be one of the godmothers. . Mortons tax philosophy was a marvel of inescapable logic: If the subject is seen to live frugally, tell him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give generously to the King. Margaret was a great heiress, grand-daughter of the Earl of Warwick who was known as the Kingmaker. Her second son, Arthur Pole, had a generally successful career as a courtier, becoming one of the six Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber. But he could not recognize the kings authority as head of the new church of England. In 1541, Margaret was executed, protesting that she had not taken part in any conspiracy and proclaiming her innocence. 1 Through his father he was descended from Edward III's son, Thomas of Woodstock, and his mother was Catherine Woodville, sister of Edward IV's queen, Elizabeth Woodville; she afterwards married Henry VII's uncle, Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford. 3. Pope Paul III put him in charge of organising assistance for the Pilgrimage of Grace (and related movements). Joan, wife of Roger Swillington. His eldest daughter Margaret married the lawyer William Roper in 1521, and More continued his practice of prayer and supervision of learning at his home. (Along with Margaret her sister-in-law Eleanor Pole was also a lady-in-waiting to Katherine. Whether the countess was up to this is hard to say, but later the Imperial ambassador was to declare that Mary regarded her as a second mother. Gaily agreeing that the chief female virtues are meekness and self-effacement, they managed estates, signed off accounts, bought wardships and brokered marriage settlements, all the while keeping up a steady output of needlework. Because the main executioner[17] had been sent north to deal with rebels, the execution was performed by "a wretched and blundering youth who literally hacked her head and shoulders to pieces in the most pitiful manner". * Thomas Stafford (1531-4 May 1557) who was captured and executed for High Treason in Scarborough. She was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 1886 as a martyr.Occupation:Lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon, manager of her estates as Countess of Salisbury.Dates:August 14, 1473 May 27, 1541Also known as: Margaret of York, Margaret Plantagenet, Margaret de la Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Margaret Pole the Blessed. He moved into the Carthusian monastery adjoining Lincolns Inn and participated in the monks way of life as much as he could, while still pursuing his legal career. But to Mores credit, he made an impassioned plea for greater freedom of speech in parliament. On 1 July 1535, he was indicted on high treason. After Henry VIII and then his son Edward VI had died, and Mary I was queen, with the intention to restore England to Roman authority, Reginald Pole was appointed papal legate to England by the Pope. In 1540, Cromwell fell from favour and was attainted and executed. Margarets husband Richard died in 1504, leaving her with five young children and very little land or money. The remnants of the Plantagenets had no difficulty in breeding, while the Tudors were less lucky. Here is where it gets complicated. She was married to James IV of Scotland from 1503-1513, which united the royal houses of England and Scotland. In 1512, Parliament, with Henrys assent, restored to her some of the lands that had been held by Henry VII for her brother while he was imprisoned, and then had been confiscated when he was executed. It was the Act of Succession, passed the following month, that sealed his fate. She held a noble title in her own right, and controlled great wealth, after she was restored to favor during the reign of Henry VIII but she became embroiled in the religious controversy over his split with Rome and was executed on Henrys orders. To help with her financial situation, she gave one of her sons, Reginald, to the church. May 28, 2015. His desire for an annulment was now not merely to secure a legitimate heir; it was also spurred by his desire to marry Anne. Perhaps more than any other courtier of Henrys reign, More embodied the searching, troubled spirit of the early 16th century. This More was fully prepared to do. * Walter Stafford (about 1539-after 1571 . The veteran plotter Gertrude Courtenay was treated with clemency; unlike Margaret, she was not a free agent but a married woman subject to her husband, and not a claimant to the throne in her own right. And the king was now newly enamored of a young noblewoman called Anne Boleyn. Henry and others were executed, though Geoffrey was not. He is an English lawyer, eventually promoted to Chancellor and assistant to the King after Wolsey 's death. His natural piety was at odds with other courtiers, all of whom jockeyed ceaselessly for the kings favor. Perhaps the contrast with the quiet, gentle Jane was too striking. Known for:Her family connections to wealth and power, which at some times of her life meant she wielded wealth and power, and at other times meant she was subject to great risks during great controversies. The pilgrimage was an effort to organize a march on London to install a conservative Catholic government instead of Henry's increasingly Protestant-leaning one. Margaret was one of just two women in 16th-century England to be a peeress in her own right (suo jure) without a husband in the House of Lords. Allida is tongue-tied with An Impossible Thing to Say by Arya Shahi, in which an Iranian American teen in Arizonafalls in love with the new girl at school, Shakespeare, and rap music while . Henry VII had Edward executed, leaving Margaret as the sole survivor of George of Clarence. Her mother, the great heiress Isabel Neville, died in 1476 after giving birth to her fourth child; this last baby, like Isabels first child, did not live. He was not prepared, as he saw it, to imperil his immortal soul by taking the oath that Henry required of all his people, and he died for his belief.. But not before Lina imparted . The hands are the standard-issue long-fingered type; a black ribbon, added later, may conceal damage to the paint. . Six months later, Cromwell produced a tunic marked with the wounds of Christ, claiming it had been found in that search, and used that to arrest Margaret, though most doubt that. Henry VII paid for Richard's funeral. Put a different hood on her, and she could be a man one of her own Plantagenet relations. In theory, after she married, a womans personal property and real estate were at her husbands disposal. But eventually the break between the king and his chief minister could not be ignored. She was an apt enough pupil to later converse with visitors in Latin. Or was there, as she claimed, nothing worth burning? But if the great Sir Thomas More believed the king to be wrong? Mores adolescent years were spent under the reign of Henry VII, the first Tudor king. Thomas More and Catherine herself were wise enough to steer clear of the nun. They married less than a month after Jane Colts death and More had to seek special dispensation from the church. In The Kings Curse (2014) she was ground up by the great fictionalising machine that is Philippa Gregory, and in 2003 she was the subject of a major biography by Hazel Pierce: Margaret Pole: Loyalty, Lineage and Leadership. Even special physicians summoned from Spain could not help the queen to conceive again. Family solidarity, the code of survival, did not mean much to Reginald, brought up under an alien roof; if he were to lose his earthly family, he said, he would still have the fellowship of the saints in paradise. Her mother was one of the greatest heiresses of her time while her father was the younger brother of King Edward IV of England. Margaret Pole. (2020, August 26). As widows, or as deputies to living husbands, they handled complex legal and financial affairs with aplomb, while assenting outwardly at least to their status as irrational and inferior beings. It was a small mercy. Warwick But Reginald, it seemed, always got a tip-off. As part of the investigations into the so-called Exeter Conspiracy, Geoffrey Pole was arrested in August 1538. There was a feeling in England that a new era had begun. Like other noble ladies the kings sister the Duchess of Suffolk, or the Duke of Norfolks wife Margaret was not comfortable at the court of Anne Boleyn. The popular image is of a man principled, steadfast, courageous who placed his own conscience above his kings demands. Answer (1 of 6): Anne Boleyn's death would have been instant and painless - to the extent that we can guess, anyway. In 1539, Reginald was sent to the Emperor to organize an embargo against Englandthe sort of countermeasure he had himself warned Henry was possible.[14]. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Biography. We come now to the great event of Henrys reign. Margarets later life, at least, is well documented, but we cannot approach her story from the inside. The date of the marriage is uncertain; 1487 is likely. But they have never been proven, and in fact they seem pretty far fetched. His naivety meant that, when threats to the regime mounted, he was easily entrapped. The prestige of her ancient family, her traditionalist stance in religion, and her status as a peer in her own right all these defined a woman who might wish to resist the new order. She, her grandson, Henry (son of her own son Henry), and Exeter's son were held together and supported by the king. London, WC1A After she had redeemed her dead brothers lands from the crown, she owned property in Calais, and estates in Wales and 17 English counties. Margaret was 12 years old when Henry VII defeated Richard III and claimed the crown of England by right of conquest. On the 27th May 1541, the elderly Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury, godmother and former governess to Henry VIII's daughter Mary, was executed at the Tower of London. Henry VIII was a Catholic ruler, and enjoyed friendly relations with the papacy until he sought to divorce Katharine. Through her website she keeps lively links with readers and writers. In fact she was 67. Henry and his ministers suspected Reginald of plotting to marry the kings daughter Mary, and unite her claim with his. This was partly due to Mores intellectual prominence; he was perhaps the most famous Englishman on the continent, with a wide and varied correspondence. She had a small estate of land, inherited from her husband, but no other income and no prospects. [7] However, her brother's Warwick and Spencer [Despencer] estates remained in the hands of the crown.[8]. She was the niece of Edward IV and Richard III of England by way of their brother George Plantagenet, 1 st Duke of Clarence. A Bill of Attainder disinherited Margaret and her younger brother, Edward, and removed them from the line of succession. More was not a man to be broken by prison, but he suffered physically. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. From the start, Margaret's life had been marred by tragedy and violence: her father, George . The king added that his lack of a legitimate son was clear proof of Gods displeasure. He was no fool; he noted Wolseys great and increasingly ostentatious wealth. Margaret kept silent on the matter. The grave of Anne Boleyn. Fitzwilliam despaired of getting anything out of her but denials, and paid her a twisted compliment in the way Tudor men did: We may call her rather a strong and constant man than a woman she has shown herself so earnest, vehement and precise that more could not be. When he told her that her goods had been seized, she must have known it was the beginning of the end, and seemeth thereat to be somew[hat] appalled, but neither then nor at any later point did she profess anything but loyalty to Henry and regret at her familys folly. Margaret would have been too young to remember her mother, and it is likely that she was brought up within her fathers princely household, then after his execution lived with her cousins, the many daughters of Edward IV. Then, in good faith, between your grace and me is but this, that I shall die today, and you tomorrow.. Ursula Pole, Baroness Stafford the daughter of Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury and Sir Richard Pole. geralmente . After bearing More three daughters (Margaret, Elizabeth, Cicely) and one son (John), Jane died in 1511. The sitter might as well be carved, for all she suggests flesh or circulating blood. Margaret's loyalty was to Katherine of Aragon and to her daughter Princess Mary to whom she was governess and godmother. Nevertheless, she was taken from her cell to the place within the precincts of the Tower of London where a low wooden block had been prepared instead of the customary scaffold.[5]. She certainly didn't bow to any pressure later in her life to give up her son. In April 1523, he was elected speaker of the House of Commons. In practice, pre-nuptial agreements, trusts and the legally sanctioned breach of entails created some flexibility. Where is Hans Holbein when you need him? The Duke of Clarence plotted against Edward IV and in February 1478 was attainted and executed for treason. More would stand trial for his life. Contemporary chroniclers often referred to him as a friend of the poor. He had several other livings, although he had not been ordained a priest. But Margaret herself was an ornament to Henry. The honor was tremendous; notably, More was the first layman to hold the office. Those two could only get along for short while before things got heated. [13], In 1537, Reginald (still not ordained) was made a Cardinal. Arthur had been a courtier, an able jouster and a great favourite with Henry, serving in his privy chamber. When Margaret was only four years old, her father was killed in the Tower of London where he was imprisoned for rebelling again against his brother, Edward IV; rumor was that he was drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine. That was the beginning of Thomas Mores public career, and it was a telling one. Her daughter Ursula married the Duke of Buckingham's son, Henry Stafford, but after the Duke's fall, the couple were given only fragments of his estates. The Execution of a Duke. He wore many hats: chief diplomat, speechwriter, advisor. He grew up cultivated and cosmopolitan, sensitive, lively-minded. Retrieved from When Henry began proceedings to annul his first marriage, when Catherine was discarded and the Princess Mary downgraded to Lady Mary, the kings daughter, Margaret proved fiercely loyal and protective. She built herself a castle at Warblington, close to the sea on the Hampshire-Sussex border. She answered that no crime had been imputed to her. Contact was made with Warwick; a plot began, or perhaps was manufactured by agents provocateurs; just at this time, to increase the alarm of Henry Tudor, another Warwick impersonator showed his face in Kent. It was during this trip that he began to write Utopia, his most famous work. When Prince Arthur held court in Ludlow with the 15-year-old Catherine of Aragon, Richard Pole was with him, and a friendship began between the bride and the chamberlains wife which was to outlast Catherines life and have deep and lasting consequences for Margaret Pole. When he later built his Great House in Chelsea, its rooms were specifically designed to encourage quiet study and prayer. In 1535, Englands ambassador began suggesting that Reginald Pole marry Henrys daughter Mary. When not at Court, Margaret lived chiefly at Warblington Castle in Hampshire and Bisham Manor in Berkshire. [4] After her husband's death, Margaret had such inadequate means to support herself and her children that she was forced to live at Syon Abbey as the guest of the Bridgettine nuns. Sir Thomas Pole was a member of the aristocracy in England. The most persistent of the pretenders who plagued Henry was Peter Warbeck (baptised Perkin by the regime to make him sound silly), who claimed to be Richard of York, the younger of the vanished princes. As the heir to the throne, Mary enjoyed a separate household, and in 1525 she was sent to Ludlow to hold court. The Editor Katheryn Howard was fortunate. Both men were enthusiastic Humanist scholars, but they parted ways with regard to the kings prerogative. My faithfulness stands fast and so, It is unlikely she had seen him for many years, but in any case, mourning for a traitor was inadvisable. Richard Pole held a variety of offices in Henry VII's government, the highest being Chamberlain for Arthur, Prince of Wales, Henry's elder son. Margaret, wife of Sir William Harington. Margaret if it is she wears coral and ermine. She was a decade and a half younger than he was, and he never seems to have felt anything more than a brotherly affection for her. And so, when More returned from a diplomatic mission to France in summer 1527, the king laid the open Bible before his favorite councilor. Mores wife had been like most women of her time ill-educated, and during their brief marriage, he taught her Latin and other subjects. [15][16], On the morning of 28 May 1541, Margaret was told she was to die within the hour. Later that year, Reginald was summoned to Rome, made a cardinal and put in charge of organising a crusade against England economic sanctions first, war if need be. He impressed the cardinal enough that he was knighted upon his return and made under-treasurer of the Exchequer. She spent much of her time at Warblington, where she was nicely placed, in the event of an invasion, to help the rebels against Henry; or so you thought, if you were one of Henrys councillors. His brother came to the throne in 1509 as Henry VIII, married the widowed Catherine, and in a first flush of goodwill began to repair the damage to Margarets fortunes. His months of peace ended in 1533, when he refused to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn. Besides Ursula, four of Margarets children lived to adulthood. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, Credit: PjrWindows / Alamy Stock Photo. Rather, he felt that he could be more effective in the city itself, not closeted away amongst the nobles and councilors of Henrys court. Born on the 14th August 1473, she went on to marry Sir Richard Pole in 1491. Utopia is a complex and witty work which describes a city-state ruled entirely by reason. Thomas More, Thomas Morus ou Toms Moro [1] (Londres, 7 de fevereiro de 1478 Londres, 6 de julho de 1535) foi filsofo, homem de estado, diplomata, escritor, advogado e homem de leis, ocupou vrios cargos pblicos, e em especial, de 1529 a 1532, o cargo de "Lord Chancellor" (Chanceler do Reino - o primeiro leigo em vrios sculos) de Henrique VIII da Inglaterra. Nor make one step, as you shall see; It was Gertrude Courtenay, Marchioness of Exeter, who claimed to be brittle and fragile; one of the most persistent of the aristocratic plotters against Henry, she was in trouble in 1533 for her contacts with Elizabeth Barton, the Nun of Kent, whose florid line in prophecy was discomfiting to the regime. Stoke was a decisive victory. In 1886, Margaret would be beatified by Pope Leo XIII as a martyr to Henrys regime. He had long felt a calling to the priesthood. In Utopia, he identified himself as a citizen of London, and it was in London that he was born on 7 February 1477, the only surviving son of John More and his first wife, Agnes Graunger. Please change your browser settings to allow Javascript content to run. Margaret and her son, Henry, pressed Arthur's widow to take a vow of perpetual chastity to preserve her inheritance for her Pole children. London Review of Books, This site requires the use of Javascript to provide the best possible experience. The one potentially scandalous act of his life was his quick second marriage to a widow seven years his senior, Alice Middleton. But polite prevarications only worked for so long and soon More was a genuine courtier, with all its attendant duties and benefits. His work at Bruges and, later, Calais, as well as his continuing duties as undersheriff in London, were clear evidence of his skill and popularity. Arthur Pole suffered a setback when his patron Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, was convicted of treason in 1521, but he was soon restored to favour. I don't think Henry had quite the chummy relationship with Sir Thomas More that was depicted in "The Tudors" or even in "A Man for All Seasons." The story goes that when More was executed, Henry rose scowling from a game of cards with Anne Boleyn and barked at her "You are the cause of his death!" After his marriage to Anne Boleyn and the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth, Mary was sent to join the household of the infant princess. Edward was briefly displayed in public at St Paul's Cathedral in 1487 in response to the presentation of the impostor Lambert Simnel as the "Earl of Warwick" to the Irish lords. There was a new king, a handsome, athletic young man who had once been destined for the church. [26] She and her husband were parents to five children: Her son, Reginald Pole, said that he would "never fear to call himself the son of a martyr". Some stories even claim this was at his own request, having been permitted to choose the manner of his execution. In 1487, an imposter, Lambert Simmel, pretended to be her brother Edward, and was used to try to gather a rebellion against Henry VII. And when the English clergy were forced to acknowledge Henry as the supreme head of their church, More attempted to resign his office. Requires the use of Javascript to provide the best possible experience promoted to Chancellor and to. Edward executed, leaving Margaret as the supreme head of the poor telling one March 1541 courtiers, of... Men were enthusiastic Humanist scholars, but he could not be ignored is a complex and witty work which a. To be wrong 2 ] his heir was his quick second marriage to a widow seven years his,! 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thomas more and margaret pole relationship