dyncorp child trafficking

Hiring Mercenary Air Force for Iraq Rescues, DynCorp lands $450M Navy contingency services deal, DynCorp Awarded Up to $80M Contract for Support from U.S. Army, U.S awarded $17.2 million contract to DynCorp to support the Royal Saudi helicopter fleet, DynCorp Wins Potential $490M Contract for Aviation Maintenance, Logistics Support, "DynCorp International to Support Final Flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", "DynCorp Team to Help NASA Fly Final Shuttle Endeavour Flight", "DynCorp International supports final flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", DynCorp International to Help Fight California Wildfires, DynCorp awarded $490M contract for aircraft maintenance work at Pax River, DynCorp International Awarded $93M Contract for Aircraft Maintenance Support from US Air Force, DynCorp International Wins $105 million contract for aviation maintenance from US Army, DynCorp Wins Potential $177M Award for NASA Aircraft Engineering, DynCorp Wins $78M to Support Philippine Operations, "DynCorp wins $401M Andrews AFB contract", "Retired Redstone Arsenal commander James Myles dons civvies for new aviation mission", DynCorp wins $25M Kuwait Air Force Apache contract, DynCorp awarded $80M contract to support US Army helicopters in-theatre, DynCorp wins KAF AH-64D Apaches support contract, "DPAP - Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting - Contingency Contracting - About Contingency Contracting - Definition of "Contingency Operation", Casals & Associates Joins DynCorp International, "DynCorp International acquires Casals & Associates", "International Development - Latin America - DynCorp International", "DynCorp International Acquires Phoenix Consulting Group", "UPDATE 1-DynCorp looks to expand intelligence services", "DynCorp International Completes Acquisition of Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", "DynCorp Agrees to Acquire Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", Global Linguist Solutions Again Awarded $4.6 Billion Army Linguist Services Contract. Kathryn Bolkovac arrived in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo in 1999. Remember, Johnston was fired by this company. But DynCorp was nervous. As of 2014 no one had been prosecuted. He suggested that the U.S. establish and independent commission to review the mentor situation, an idea he said Ambassador Eikenberry had first raised. DynCorp Child Trafficking, Sexual Entrapment, Asset Seizure. [19] In 1976 Dynalectron established headquarters in McLean, Virginia. And also was the time when the State Department lost $1 billion it paid out to DynCorp to train police during the first years of the Iraq war. We talk about thefuture of the children, helping to build economies, democracy, the rule of law,and at the same time we fail to prosecute cases like this. [62][64], A significant part of the company's business since the 1990s has come from contingency operations[65] support. The position came with higher pay than the Lincoln Police Department, and it could eventually allow her to live near her children, who she lost in the divorce. [31], In 2006 DynCorp International went public on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol Kathryn Bolkovac was fired from DynCorp when she brought concerns over the company engaging in human trafficking in Bosnia. WebChild sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. It soon developed conveniently, according to Johnston's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in Bosnia. Kathryn Bolkovac accepted the job at DynCorp shortly after she divorced her husband. A widely-anticipated newspaper article on the Kunduz scandal has not appeared but, if there is too much noise that may prompt the journalist to publish. [53] DynCorp flies and maintains Grumman S-2 Tracker fire retardant air tankers and OV-10A aircraft, and maintains and services civilian UH-1H Super Huey helicopters flown by CAL FIRE pilots. See you on the Amentum side! WebIn 2002, the year Epsteins aircraft fleet stands accused of flying underage teen girls, some between the ages of 12 and 15, coincides with Dyncorps trafficking in underage I mean, lets face it: the locals didnt have the money to spend on this kind of an operation., Indeed, the operation was expansive. [95], An extensive accusation concerning DynCorp's activities and alleged abuses in Colombia was presented against DynCorp at the Hearing on Biodiversity of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, session on Colombia at the Cacarica Humanitarian Zone from February 24 to 27, 2007. DynCorp Govt Contracts Need To Be Reviewed. I'd tell them that it was wrong and that it was no different than slavery - that you can't buy women. [104], In 2002 Bolkovac filed a lawsuit in Great Britain against DynCorp for unfair dismissal due to a protected disclosure (whistleblowing), and won. And indeed, one can look forward to more on the subject when Ms. Bolkovac's book on the incident is released this coming January. Dyncorp personnel had young children living with them for sex and house choirs. That's when Johnston's life took a dramatic turn. To be fair, I doubt any other PMC is any different. This corruption flew all the way to the top of the United Nations and to our State Department and diplomats, Bolkovac said. WebWe protect women and children, but these are dark-skinned men, says Sam McCahon, an attorney based in India. ", ) and it was Werner who turned over to CID the videotape made by Hirtz. That departure from the war-torn country was a far cry from what, imagined a year earlierwhen he arrived in. Web70 per cent of the revenue from trafficking in Bosnia (Mendelson 2005). Just be forewarned, this is not an easy road ahead of you.. Michael Hoffman Queen Elizabeth and Britains Elite Child Molestation Ring; OCCULT MYSTERIES OF THE FED BY GREG REESE/BIX WEIR Mein Kampf Hitler Used Rothschild Bankers Typewriter Just Another ROTHSCHILD Puppet Andy Hoffman; The Looming Crisis Will End The Fiat Currency Regime:Andrew Hoffman Then, learn about how the United Nations spread a cholera epidemic in Haiti. Atmar added that he also wanted tighter control over Afghan employees. CID: According to what you witnessed on the videotape played for you in which you were having sexual intercourse with the second woman, did you have sexual intercourse with the second woman after she said "no" to you? [79] DynCorp International was also given a $17.1 million task order to provide leadership to military personnel of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I always told these guys what I thought of what they were doing, and I guess they just thought I was a self-righteous fool or something, but I didn't care what they thought." Funny they should mention that as the Declaration has some provisions relevant to dancing boys: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Evidently, avoiding behavior that might aid, even if only indirectly, illegal conduct by foreign nationals is not its concern. One should be able to figure that out without having to contact headquarters for guidance. Lebanon's English language daily newspaper. That'sabsurd." Aviation support including emergency response air programs,[45] aircraft maintenance,[46] theater aviation support management,[47] helicopter maintenance support,[48] supportability and testing. Daily star.com.lb 10 November 2015. Johnston's attorney looks to the outcome. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army. It's a total fraud." [7] DynCorp received more than 96% of its more than $3 billion in annual revenue from the U.S. federal government. DynCorp responds by firing Bolkovac, who returns to the U.S. and files a wrongful termination case. I set it up. Although DynCorp long has been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia. The Mills e-mail continued: "The firstthing he told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass. [69] DI Development is particularly active in Africa and Latin America. "How this all ends," says Glasheen,"will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for." [17] In 1999 DynCorp moved its headquarters to Reston, Virginia. None of them ever faced criminal prosecution. DynCorp adheres to a core set of values thathas served as the backbone of our corporation for the last 55 years, helping usbecome one of the largest and most respected professional-services andoutsourcing companies in the world. As for U.N. Secretary-General Klein, he went on to spearhead a similar peacekeeping mission in Liberia where remarkably similar scandals unfolded. He tells INSIGHT, "I noticed there were problems as soon as I got there, and I tried to be covert because I knew it was a rougher crowd than I'd ever dealt with. [75] Dyncorp International employs 300 intelligence professionals to offer highly specialized training for intelligence, counterintelligence, special operations and law enforcement personnel. The tribunal unanimously ruled in her favor on Aug. 2, 2002. As a result of this mentoring CTSI's revenue grew from $5 million to $32 million in 18 months. DynCorp (/dankrp/),[5] formally DynCorp International, was an American private military contractor. [60] The U.S. Air Force chose DynCorp to supply support services for the military's T-6 and T-6B trainer aircraft. He said he would use the civil code and that, in this case, the institution of the ANP will be protected, but he worried about the image of foreign mentors. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to, during the last six years. 'They don't want anymore empty promises." [citation needed] By the time of his retirement in 2003, Shapiro notes that Bannister "oversaw the acquisition of more than 40 companies [and] was credited with helping to mold an aviation services company into a sprawling conglomerate that employed 24,000 people and earned $2.4billion in annual revenue. Bolkovac found that brothels disguised as bars, restaurants, hotels, and clubs were just scattered throughout the hills of Bosnia.. [70][71] In Latin America DI Development implemented anti-corruption, transparency, and accountability programs in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama, and provided democracy and governance initiatives in Mexico, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic. Deflem, Mathieu, and Suzanne Sutphin. 1958 University Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94704, witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally, . This was captured on video. [87] It supplies Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East with threat assessment protection, perimeter security, base security, and guard services. WebThe week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims Werner admitted to having purchased a woman to get her out of prostitutionand named other DynCorp employees who also had paid to own women. Even U.N. Secretary-General Jacques Paul Klein, who was in charge of the mission, was informed. DynCorp is one of the signatories to this. Harlin even alleged that Johnston was "hanging out with Kevin Werner." About 200 federal, state, and local agencies partnered with the [118][121][122][123] In response to the incident, DynCorp fired four senior managers and established a chief compliance officer position, which focused on ethics, business conduct, related investigations, and regulatory compliance. If I was going to be fired or laid off, I, , "under the Dayton Peace Accord, the contractors were protected from Bosnian law which did not apply to them. [14][15], DynCorp traces its origins from two companies formed in 1946: California Eastern Airways (CEA), an air freight business, and Land-Air Inc., an aircraft maintenance company. Although DynCorp long has been respected for such work, according to, and internal DynCorp communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in, to look into reported problems, said, "I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. WebSex trafficking of children in Bosnia According to Human Rights Watch, there is substantial evidence that points to the involvement of DynCorp contractors in trafficking of women Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight. Operating from across California, aircraft can reach most fires within 20 minutes. DynCorp Contracts Come Under Chaffetz Microscope. We employ investigative research and journalism to provide critical information on corporate malfeasance and profiteering around the world to foster a more informed public and an effective democracy. [91], DynCorp delivers training for multiple sectors, including security sector reform, interior and defense personnel in underdeveloped nations, and law enforcement. The Facts:Retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene has been given 20 years DynCorps had very bad records already. The fact is 80 percent of human trafficking is for laboronly 20 [112], A January 2010 SIGIR report assessed that oversight of DynCorp police training contracts by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs found that INL exhibited weak oversight of the DynCorp task orders for support of the Iraqi police training program. Its a pre-Islamic Afghan tradition, banned by the Taliban, where boys as young as ten are passed around a group of middle-aged men for their sexual gratification with the possibility to lead to the auction of the young boys. ", , "I just told the guys it was wrong. After the email made its rounds, Bolkovac was demoted to a desk job. [108] A U.S. government audit report of October 2007 revealed that $1.3 billion was spent on a contract with DynCorp for training Iraqi police. [61], DynCorp International has been the incumbent recipient of helicopter maintenance and support contracts supporting the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Sale to CSC, IPO, and purchase by Cerberus Capital (2003-2020), Jones, William H. (July 12, 1978). ", was working with CID. Bannister. According to Wikipedia:Bacha Bazi (translated from Persian: literally "playing with children"), also known as bacch ' (from the Persian bacheh "child, young man, calf") is a practice recognized as sexual slavery and child prostitution in which prepubescent children and adolescents are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities. [16] California Eastern Airways was founded by a small group of returning World War II pilots who wanted to break into the air cargo business. ISOA's code also says, "Signatories will be guided by all pertinent rules of international humanitarian and human rights laws including as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Many of these were forced toresign under suspicion of illegal activity, but none have been prosecuted, asthey also enjoy immunity from prosecution in Bosnia. As the ever zealous Ms. Sparky has already noted: The tradition of Bacha Bazi "boy play" is alive and well in Afghanistan. Here is the Guardian with the story: US diplomats cautioned against an overreaction and said that approaching the journalist involved would only make the story worse. Dont be afraid to change the world, Bolkovac said. It's a total fraud. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them. Only in this election cycle alone, Cerberus Capital Management, the parent organization of DynCorp, gave $40,628 to her campaign and many more to the DNC. DynCorp International Wins AFRICAP Training Task Order, DynCorp International wins NATO job in Kosovo, DynCorp International Awarded Maintenance Contract with UAE Land Forces, DynCorp International Awarded Contract Valued at up to $15.5 Million to Provide Facility Support Services for Naval Facilities Engineering, "Security Services - DynCorp International", DynCorp wins $546M police training contract in Iraq, "For the U.S.-Saudi Relationship to Thaw, MBS Needs to Answer on Khashoggi", "Training and Mentoring - DynCorp International", DynCorp May Get Chance to Win $1.6 Billion Training Contracts, http://about.bloomberglaw.com/videos/dyncorps-strategic-defense-in-drug-crop-spraying-suit/, "Plaintiffs to Appeal Dismissal of 'Plan Colombia' Lawsuit Against DynCorp - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times", "Accusation against the Transnational DynCorp", "One Man's Military-Industrial-Media Complex", "The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors And One Woman's Fight For Justice", "Human trafficking,Bosnia and Herzegovina (News),World news,Law,Europe", The Whistleblower: The movie the U.N. would prefer you didn't see, "U.S. Agency Finds New Waste and Fraud in Iraqi Rebuilding Projects", "Riding Shotgun With Our Shadow Army in Iraq", "Security Guard Fires From Convoy, Killing Iraqi Driver", "Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says", "Letter to Secretary Rice: from Chairman Waxman", "report Most of $1.2 billion to train Iraqi police unaccounted for CNN.com", "Quarterly Report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction", Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says, "US embassy cables: Afghan government asks US to quash 'dancing boys' scandal", "Amid Reviews, DynCorp Bolsters Ethics Practices", "WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops", "09KABUL1651: 06/23/09 MEETING, ASSISTANT AMB MUSSOMELI AND MOI", "WikiLeaks Reveals That Military Contractors Have Not Lost Their Taste For Child Prostitutes", "Foreign contractors hired Afghan 'dancing boys', WikiLeaks cable reveals", July the deadliest month of Afghan war for US, "Four Afghans die in Kabul in accident involving U.S. contractor", "Afghan Police Clear U.S. in Crash Before Rioting", "Dyncorp rolls out first 16 armoured personnel carriers for UN mission in Mali", "Policing Post-War Iraq: Insurgency, Civilian Police, and the Reconstruction of Society. Some of the individuals involved report being forced into sex. [36], On November 23, 2020, Amentum, a contractor supporting U.S. federal and allied governments, announced that it has closed the acquisition of DynCorp International (due to multiple human trafficking cases), a provider of sophisticated aviation, logistics, training, intelligence and operational solutions in over 30 countries worldwide. [102], On June 2, 2000, an investigation was launched in the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two U.S. bases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. McCaffrey had previously served as White House "Drug Czar", where he shaped future federal public-private partnership in drug enforcement policy. [109] The auditors stated that the program was mismanaged to such an extent that they were unable to determine how the money was spent. Next Story SOLVING THE PUZZLE: Day 81 PART 1: Where is Eric Braverman? [40][41] Specifically, they provide on-site work for project testing, transient, loaner, leased and tested civilian aircraft services. [19], In December 2000 DynCorp formed DynCorp International LLC, and transferred all its international business to this entity. Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. [94] The plaintiffs are preparing to appeal the dismissal. While nobody has accused the DynCorp contractors of any improper conduct with the "dancing boys" themselves one has to wonder where their common sense was. Remarkably, an internal memo that was later leaked showed that U.N. staff were not only urged to downplay the films message but to try to prevent the screening entirely. Christine Dolan, founder of the International Humanitarian Campaign Againstthe Exploitation of Children, a Washington-based nonprofit organization, tellsInsight: "What is surprising to me is that Dyncorp has kept this contract. DCP. WebThirty-three missing children were recovered this month in an anti-human trafficking operation led by FBIs Los Angeles field office, the bureau said in a statement Friday. [43][44], DynCorp International began as an aeronautical company in the 1950s and continues to provide aviation support globally. This video was even sold on the main streets of Bogot. Among its notable awards is its unbroken record of having received a contract in every round of competition under the United States Air Force-managed Contract Field Teams (CFT) program since the CFT program started in 1951. "The Bosnians think we're all trash. Werner tells CID, "I told him [Hirtz] I had a copy and that all I wanted was to be treated fairly. The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there." The message we're sending to kids isthat it's okay for America's representatives to rape children. WebIn 1999, former U.S. policewoman Kathryn Bolkovac discovered that American military and United Nations operatives were trafficking Bosnian women and girls and was fired for Amb Mussomeli responded that going to the journalist would give her the sense that there is a more terrible story to report. It was clear that the protection of the good old boys club was a first priority, said. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literallybuying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employeeswould brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves theyhad purchased." Rape is a crime in any jurisdiction and there should not beimpunity for anyone. Hirtz: Yes. From the Huffington Post about the Bosnia incident: its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12.. Andit's outrageous that DynCorp still is being paid by the government on thiscontract. On April 21, 2021, the DynCorp name was discontinued, and employees and services transferred to Amentum. Author, 'Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq'. [10] It also provided much of the security for Afghan president Hamid Karzai's presidential guard and trained much of the police forces of Iraq and Afghanistan. WebChild Trafficking: Myth vs. The program focuses on training junior and mid-level personnel in areas such as communications, logistics, and engineering. Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.N. InternationalPolice Force monitor hired by the U.S. company on another U.N.-relatedcontract, has filed a lawsuit in Great Britain against DynCorp for wrongfultermination. He continued to predict that publicity would "endanger lives." She was assigned to run the IPTF office that investigates sex trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual assault. Victims confided in her that American contractors were raping or buying underage women, sometimes as young as 12. [21] Due to its growing size, the company restructured into four main operating groups: Specialty Contracting, Energy, Government Services, and Aviation Services. But the US embassy was legally incapable of honoring Atmar's request that the US military should assume authority over training centers managed by DynCorp. But they'd buy the women's passports and they [then] owned them and would sell them to each other." WebEx VP of Major Military Contractor DynCorp & Sr. Pentagon Official Guilty For Child Sex Abuse. In a leaked cable from the US embassy in Afghanistan, in a investigation made by The Chicago Tribune, State Department lost $1 billion it paid out to DynCorp. WebThe FBIs Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces across the country worked to locate victims. Then I went to, and other places, and they were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. Buying underage women, sometimes as young as 12 can reach most fires within 20 minutes training junior mid-level! 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dyncorp child trafficking