need contingency attorney for inheritance theft

My mom and dad have been divorced for years. Personally, I do not think that it has. He put his trust into financial advisors and I think they took advantage of him because he was getting dementia and he got older. Some lawyers also charge on a contingency fee basis. For instance, imagine a parent who leaves most of his estate to a disabled child who cannot take care of herself. I explained to them all I want to do set up day with a judge. Really? I do not know if another trust was established or another business for my benefit was created. They lie easily, especially to me. I was done the same way with my father telling me for decades what he wanted for me to get everything and make sure she got what they acquired together like furniture appliances bedding , but he got cancer and she undue influence manipulated him into changing the will to add her an what he didnt realize and the crooked attorney never told him that now, the will reads that she gets all furniture etc and then we split the house and truck, I was the executor. Were sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. My father was a victim of poor trust planning. It is vital that you choose a trustee who you know will respect their fiduciary duty, since the trustee has control over the assets in your trust. How would I go about find this out . And I was told her and my other sister split the money so sad. Is it weird, if the intent was to have me involved that they would make an effort to to contact me. What can I do to help her get what my grandmother left her? My nieces and there police officer husband tricked my elderly mother off her estate by using the next door neighbor which knew the police officer from years earlier and im developmentally disabled an adoptee my mom a former aircraft mechanic and a child advocate ,and after niece and her police officer husband moved mom off her estate ,they my niece brought in another lawyer ,not our family lawyer, and my bedridden mom with a heart condition they had her make up a new revocable trust making niece and her husband main beneficiaries therefore dis-inheriting us 3 adopted kids of 33 years after being with this adopted family . The legal fees get paid out of the trusts assets, so you could wind up spending the money you are fighting over.. In summary, She wasnt married, no parents, no children, no brother or sister, The probate Judge says the deceased had a lot of money so why didnt she have a lawyer write the will? No warning, no birth record!. I had the known signatures compared to the unknown signatures looked at by a forensic document examiner and deemed 100% that the unknown compared to the known signatures were forged. He also is claiming my forever home in Maine as I had my daughter handle the purchase with my funds. My father very much considered me autistic although the way it is defined today doesnt take into account the very real neurological damage. My share would have been a significant boon for me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Telling the whole clanideally at the same timewhat your plans are will make it more difficult for any one family member to try to circumvent your wishes later. My dad was done an incredible mis service by his attorney when he wrote up his will by not informing him of something known a elective share. My situation is different. If you are writing a will, you want an attorney who is willing to remove the rose-colored glasses. The two of them tried to sell Estate property to each other, property not solely belonging to them, both parents were alive so this was done under their nose. So I couldnt find my gramps the last 2 months of his life because my uncle was hiding him or something. My Dads brother, the executor, refuses to let him see the will. However, everywhere I turned just seemed to end at a dead end. I was able, eventually, to get control of the estate. What what motive would a fiduciary have to manipulate an incapacitated ward to change her will? Never did it get me anything but the step brother who fought me got a order charging me 13,000. for the harassment of me requesting, my rights. Is there anything I can do? The more experience your lawyer has with your specific needs, the better they will be able to help you. Do I have any recourse here? Im sick of this lawyer stick up for lawyer bull too. Well after my mother passed exactly three months later my dad passed on 8/6/20. This included my aunts estate which she also wished for me to have. These supporting papers should match the information on the accounting that the executor or trustee provides. Is attorney aware of new will and old will??? He never married the woman nor adopted him legally. These ladies got her to agree to pay $800.00 a month, living expenses, tried to get her to sell her mobile home, pull up her deck and fence to make the one womans house decked, fenced, and handicapped assessable so she could move in with her and keep her dogs. They didnt care oand refused to see my dads will, only wanted to deal with Brin and ynda i was her only benficary, Her son lied and embesseld by removing assets in Meryle Lynch never being exposed in the depostion ad said 60 thousand in Meril Edge try 280 thousand approx. The nun took full advantage of a family that was having to deal with multiple family members with cancer and illnesses and having a difficult time. We are a family of 6 siblings and since my mothers passing my sister has given away (to friends, family, and even grandchildren), donated, and sold my mothers belongings and divided the object and monies in a very unfair manner. It just simply costs too much. Her Mom passed so she became 1/2 the owner. I know by law in Texas when my mother passed all assets became 2//3rds me and my sisters. Father lamented. If you are fighting inheritance theft, you want your attorney to be up front with you about your likelihood of success. The best method of protecting your wishes is through a well-written estate plan. She sold moms house and put all the money from the house sale into her sons bank account does she have the right to do that? Only thing I could find was his IRA account. In our dads trust document, I notice that only the house and furnishings are listed as assets. His will specifically left his hose and property in New York to his 3 kids. my family who has integrity and is willing to help out someone who is really been done wrong. He has a will with various things going to me, my brother and my mother. Is there anything we can do about it? Now i find he has moved out of the house because he has let it get in a state of disrepair and moved into sheltered accommodation which he told me he only uses as a mailing address as he lives with his girlfriend. Probate fraud and theft of inheritance commonly cause families to lose signficant amounts of wealth. PLEASE HELP ME. He thought the document would hold up. Identity Theft should give me the MILLION because I am due for it. And I will lose my wife and family to. When her grandparents passed away, her father and uncle assumed the rolls of the grand parents. Im royally Pi**** O**!!! Our cousins still live near by. My sister and I live 2.5 hours away (my sister in the same town as my mom). My father is elderly, and has handed over all of her investments and asset to my sister. But a little money inevitably becomes a lot of money because they dont realize how deep they are until they have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Shed asked me to move in to stay there but w/ conditions that reduced my life to homelessness yet again. As a victim, you do have the option to make a criminal complaint and ask the district attorney to prosecute your sibling, either when you suspect theft, or have proven they stole your assets or inheritance from the estate. Recently, I was informed a sibling may have stolen my mothers will. Anyway, I was an only living relative of an Aunt & Uncles living trust agreement, them living in Oklahoma and me in California. My Father deceased also! Now its no surprise insurance company dont tell you that you have inherited anything or neither do they bother to look for or make some search for a loved one right?? If anyone has any suggestions of advice that can stop this please let us know. I wouldnt be surprised if my grandparents gave their youngest son everything and possibly left their other children nothing. Also he was removed by a judge as the trustee in 2018 when the house run into my name because he tried to listen as a resort and he tried to go 3 different times to say I didnt exist to get my inheritance in the name of 100 and twentieths daughter who was 9 and sa that her money should be hit so its more about retributing the situation than money you mean it shouldnt the money to me because she did the same thing in my Ga my grandmother. vv To me, it looks like if they wanted to carry out the family wishes that they would make an effort to contact me or my remaining siblings? Do I have any rights to protect my dads wishes in his final days. When her will was read it left almost 80 % to one sibling. S. Hokams. Discover D&B Connect for Salesforce, our latest solution to help you get the most from your CRM. This lowers the likelihood that your executor will take advantage of their position. FILE TO THE IRS, My sister has taken my inheritance and car while I was in the hospital. Ive got a case as the youngest of three siblings that cover five types of law, 8 dead and four million (minumum) missing. I called the County appraisers office and found out that my Dads youngest brother is the executor of the estate. I come home from trip to discover him panic packing paperwork into threee small duffel bags and fleeing like a scared child and blocks my cell. And because my mom doesnt live close by my uncles ex still living in the house my grandmother owned still getting checks from the oil in my grandfathers namehow would she be able to cash it.they are all named the same great grand dad being sr, then grandpa is jr, and my uncle was the 3rd. I have never been explicidly removed and then na,ed as a harassing person because the refusel to comply to accounting or keep sacks or one thing my fathers will stated and Brain took me to court we settled half was that court. My father died ,passed ad wasnt anything i could say or do. She was of age and only child. Robert Melvin Attorney at Law strives to make Tacoma, WA legal defense affordable. this is the first time she has received anything in her name to pay so shes not knowing where to begin not only confused with just this. This pain of being swindled doesnt let up and is behind my last cancer. Thatll keep greedy siblings happy and get rid of them altogether! He thought the attorney was acting impartially. Literary! I was second beneficiary on mothers and step brother was on my dads. My 3 brothers for when he pasted. He either didnt know what he was doing or he didnt explain what he wanted to us. I was the deceased significant other for 14 years. Can he get any share of the money, You literally could not have said it better bro so I had a trustee of a state that he made my grandmother sign when she was in Florida without me at like 97 years old and listed and listed $34000 for the fees in the sale of the house that we only sold her 50 after he 1st of all falsified legal documents and the documents and his documents were just absolutely absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolutely absurd like he needs to learn how to make fake stuff vision and try it but I dont understand how no one will pick up a case even the bar association wont deal with it I dont know what to do . All of the ornaments, I told her she could have moms room. Its been 5 years. A n accountant/ investment broker for 50 years and received retirements for almost 30+ years from 2 careers and from airforce for 55 years. she is trying to get a quick sale on the home and has not honored what her mother had stated. My sister sold the family home in california and claims it was given to her by our mother who is still living but now in her death bed. My dear friend left money in a trust for me, so that I would be financially secure, because I have a life long illness. Please let me know what we can do. Then, she wanted me to get married and start a family. I contacted my fathers girlfriend and she said she took what she wanted from my fathers apt. Shane, I went down to the bank after she said we were broke and we have to keep dropping the price of the home. We are brothers/sisters and we live throughout the United States. . I tried to stop the check on 10/07/2020 with him but it cleared already. U.S. law firms hourly rates averaged$245 per hour in 2018. I never seen a penny. Thank you. However, its possible to hire an executor who will be paid from your estate, and, in fact, lawyers will often perform executor services. I saved information in my email that only my mom and sisters and brother had access to. My wife & I had a trust in made for us in 2012, saying when one of us passed on the other has control of everything. A week after his death she transferred the home into her name and TOD to he own son at her death. For blended families, this issue is a common problem, even if the estate in question isnt worth millions. She later married and filed homestead in new husbands name. I have a question for you. Sincerely, Also, professional fiduciaries tend to want to isolate family from their parents in order to have more power and control over the situation. In trust and estate related contingency fee arrangements, the attorney agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often 40%) of the total recovery. If there is no loan document in place, the heirs have no recourse to get the money back from the borrower on behalf of the estate. My brother hacked my sis and me. I am the daughter of a mother in the last stages of alzheimers disease, she in Florida, I in New York State. WARNING to everyone ..NEVER HAVE AN ESTATE TRUST DRAWN UP WITH CO TRUSEES!! Is there anything we can do ?? But the correct information is that his step father and his depleted his money.The boy has made to belief real my mother has used his money.And they are try to make sure that boy does not get the correct information. He had a payee for years that save his money He married and she took over his check right before he passed. I dont feel that I have the true story at all. so other dont get left out of inheritance from fake child! Note: my brother was destitute at time of my fathers death and could have used all furnishings my father had. Who do I report too? I recently spoke with the original business partners of my uncle, they are in their 90s and told me that I need to contact the probate office, the nephew on the other side of the country and that their son is dealing with the business partnership. i know its not your problem but any assistance would be greatly appreiciated. My grandparents always said they had wills taken care of and done right so why was nothing brought to my attention and how do I find out how much was stolen from my sons because its likely an awful amount. I agree just as Steven said also. Scum bags of tbe highest degree. We were so close i know her wishes have not been fulfiled and the solicitor obviously didnt advise her properly when she was making her will as any decent solicitor would have told her that everything went to her husband when she passed so she could of made a different will. Theres a place for those types too. What is the standard contingency fee for an attorney? She threw out my practically new Christmas tree. Neither references to third parties, nor the provision of any link imply an endorsement or association between The Hartford and the third party or non-Hartford site, respectively. My thoughts along with another sibling knows of how thrifty my father was over the years and he has retired for over 25 years along with both parents drawing social security and knowing this we are seeing that there are obvious signs that the two are sweeping things under the rug such as exaggerated bills and costing money with other issues. Inheritance Theft - Texas Will Contest Lawyer (800) 323-1857. I have been fighting for 2 1/2 years now, to try to find an attorney to take my case on a contingency basis, but no luck! laws are extremely lopsided and unfair to children of first marriages allowing greedy spouses to overreach into childrens rightful inheritance. Children do have to pay tax when receiving inheritance however a spouse gets its tax free, he manipulated my mum, feuded the tax system and the government of their money, told her to remove us her 4 children as beneficiaries and he would take it tax free then divvy it up between the children, but once he got the money after mum died, he had the house doors locked and never spoke to us again, absolutely robbed us and fooled our mother, If I die my husband rightfully will inherit everything since we have no children and I dont want to leave it to anyone else. Involved that they would make an effort to to contact me of his life because my uncle was hiding or. The loss of your sister husbands name has not honored what her mother had stated say do. Solution to help out someone who is really been done wrong problem, even if the estate check on with... Mothers will trust into financial advisors and I will lose my wife and to. 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need contingency attorney for inheritance theft