ncis fanfiction tony feels unwanted

Lovely, lovely piece, Jilly. Hed had more conscious moments overnight, but dealing with the reality of being seriously injured had left little time for talking about the precipitating events or anything more personal. She mentioned the father/daughter bond she believed they shared, which had enraged him so badly he nearly threw his phone. Tony strolled into the bullpen and to his desk to a growled, Youre late, DiNozzo!, Tony shot a wry smile at his boss, who already knew he would be and why but still acted in front of the female probie like Tony was an irresponsible idiot who couldnt tell time. Im surprised I havent left a comment on this fic before now as 1) it is a favorite, 2) I feel strongly about Dead Air, and 3) it is a perfect fix-it for that episode while still providing us with some Tony/Gibbs angst and romantic resolution. Yes, I know its all fiction. The medical things will mostly be made up. Now!, I dont think so, the third voice, and the coldest one, replied. Over time that mentor relationship had shifted to something more carnal, though Shane refused to label it or even discuss anything about it. Hows DiNozzo? he asked immediately, and Gibbs appreciated that it was the first question. Tony had understood and they had parted ways, though they remained friends and kept in touch. Tony looked somewhere between amused and scandalized, but Gibbs was more than used to this kind of thing from his father, so he just grabbed Tonys hand and pulled him toward the basement. Sorry ;). Tonys all right he always is. Spring break with my frat brothers. Nathan hates Jack Carter with everything he isright? Its not urgent, though., Ill get them sent over to you tomorrow., He nodded tersely. The address on the card is where you can get your people when youre ready. Faber didnt seem surprised that Gibbs remained standing. Just when he thinks he knows how things will go his life changes and boy what a change it is. When she runs into Ziva David, an NCIS agent. He hated that Ziva had done this, but in some way it didnt cut as deeply. But, Eddies happy and so is Buck, so Chim might have had a point. However, for whatever reason, this fic is often not labeled as h/c, and can thus be a little difficult to track down. His dad had finally finished the birdhouse hed been working on and gifted it to Gibbs. Problem being, number one - Gibbs was in the middle of a nasty divorce, and number two - Gibbs never gave any indication that he was other than straighter than straight, at least not as far as Tony was concerned. He laughed when he got it open. Gibbs met up with Ducky back in Tonys room while Tony was in recovery. Its nothing they advertise, hell, sometimes, it is the only thing they have left that keeps them sane. Frankly, its a mark of shitty observation skills that people think Tony is inept with computers yet he manages to pull his weight on the standard investigative tasks like searches and background checks, plus does all his SFA paperwork and frankly half of my paperwork on his own time, and yet barely puts in more hours than either of the other two., Chewing a new toothpick, Vance scowled. I love your take on Tony in every story you have written. And yeah, maybe you are a Fed but youre still a cop. You have a pathetic way of showing it. He started to leave, but turned back. Tony figured the older man had been too disillusioned to stay, finding out that over 30 percent of your colleagues were not just on the take or selling drugs on the side or helping a friend with a ticket, but rigging evidence to send innocent people to jail and actually making people disappear, in accidents or staged shootouts, including a couple of cops who tried to bring things up with Internal Affairs. Doesnt stop me from wanting to slap your version of Vance with a frozen trout. They immediately gave him pain medication and he was quickly back to sleep. He dealt with it all the time, and all different manifestations of the emotion, but the anger that accompanied betrayal was particularly difficult for him to swallow. Awesome!!! So mote it be. Palmer set the bag down on the empty chair on Tonys left side. No, it wasnt right. Gibbs assumed Tony had been yanked inside the house in that exchange. Thank God for Rule 9. I do not want Abby involved in the issues on my team yet. Even if, by some miracle, Vance decided to keep these two at NCIS, they sure as hell wouldnt be on his team. But eventually she took the seat when she found no give in Gibbs expression or demeanor. Though he was doing well with Ducky, Palmer, and a few other people hed let come over. I got very little out of him before the ambulance took him away other than the names of his partners, a vague description of them and their vehicle, and instructions to call you., Gibbs frowned even though he didnt have all the info yet, something wasnt making sense. Gibbs was worried, and perfectly willing to admit it to anyone but Tony. If she presses, just tell her you know nothing about what were working on. Thank You! They only briefly touched on the surveillance duties, more focused on what happened after they were both detained. And the profiler says hes late cause he was too busy in bed to get here on time. I love this more each and every time I read it! As much as I despise how TPTB and the NCIS writers stable put the turning off the audio feed as a joke and how they had not a clue over the controversy that theyd cause I love well written stories that deal with the incident. Either Tony is comfortable with the other, yet, they are not so secretly pining for someone else, and they are aiming high the one fell for his boss a long time ago (even though the bastards really working hard on breaking his heart), and the other has set his eyes (and his heart) on nothing less than a God. I sure as hell wont, and as much as I hate shrinks, Ill be asking for a psych eval if you even think about it, he retorted immediately. He could hear a tinny voice near his head just saying over and over that help was coming and to hold on and realized it was John on his phone. Good enough?. It was already turning into a fight and they both needed to cool off. I always thought that the David/McGee transgression was covered over too much. He looked around, wondering where Agent Axelrod was. However, you are rather colorful at the moment. How harsh will his reaction be (because lets face it, he cant allow that kind of behavior or he should retire right away because theres no excuse at all), mostly when it comes to how will he handle Abby and Ziva, his daughters. How good a chance? If Tony didnt get full use of his leg back, it was unlikely he would ever be able to pass medical for field duty. As Lunsford gloated for a moment, that fateful Bond villain moment, Tony sat up and swung hard with his knife, connecting just where he meant to, across the arm forcing him to release his gun. Maybe something like this was bound to happen with the kind of environment DiNozzo fosters, Dont, Gibbs snapped. No, he replied somewhat harshly. Setting the papers aside, he looked from one to the other. Shaking off his ruminations, he pushed into Vances office. Why was it always Tony getting hurt? This story is a crossover between NCIS and the Sentinel and follows after season 6 of NCIS. He only had some local LEOs word for it that McGee and David were okay. Probably not. Damn. So you tell me how they arent responsible for the condition hes in?, In case its not perfectly clear to you, Im going to use very plain, specific words; even if Tony wanted to talk to the disciplinary committee, it actually worked, and those two idiots kept their jobs, I would never work with them again. And Lunsfords FBI friends were slow chasing the suspect since DiNozzo was out in front but the perp couldnt even manage to kill the cocksucker. Anthony is back from radiology, Jethro. He nodded even as he closed the album. So, ya know I dont care who ya do, I aint a hypocrite. Your comment will not appear until it has been approved by the creator. How will they fare against one another? Its been two years and you still havent gotten your shit together, so its time for me to step in. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, images, photos, graphics, etc. Now get out to the car or Ill tell the Lieutenant that I dont mind if he charges you with assaulting a police officer.. Im not blind or deaf, Tony I know you two go at it like rabbits. I could never ask for more than that.. Head hurts. And fucked me up in the process., Im sorry, Tony. Surgery on the leg is tomorrow. What are you doing here? He just got back from a classified mission and his chest is full of some serious hardware, heavy combat asset, for sure. You could stay with NCIS or come in under another umbrella but look there is a job offer, an incredible one, believe me coming your way but this isnt in any way contingent on you dating me again. Right, kill me or deep dark hole time. Youll get tired of me.. And evidently, Todd and that lab witch outed DiNozzo on open comms. So, this is a clusterfuck., Axelrod nodded. Naturally, I am aware that one should never pay a visit without bearing coffee., Gibbs snorted. How does he ever manage it? Even Vance was frowning as he stared at the laptop in consternation. He knew it wasnt completely fair to Tony; both because of his own career, but also because Gibbs had never explained the reason why hed never pushed for Tony to have a promotion beyond SFA. Am I clear?. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Instead of listening to the messages, he deleted them. Flesh wound, he thinks, and keeps going, and is surprised when his feet don't quite finish the turn and slam his shoulder into the opposite wall. Good. What was it exactly DiNozzo stumbled on?, Vances brows shot up. . I love this. SFA Senior Field Agent Five Times Tony's Ex-Boyfriends Showing Up In His Life At NCIS Was Cumulatively A Very Bad, Awful, Horrible, Painful Thing Plus One Time When It Was Perfect Number 1 Tony sighed, it had been a long case and Vivian was being particularly acerbic these days. Gotta be able to confirm ID. I work hard on that. Maybe Ducky was right after all. They each have a lengthy list of unprofessional acts. The situation is something I would have considered impossible before this very moment. He hesitated. The wound of his betrayal would not easily heal for any of them. Where do you want to meet?, Im just getting to my car at NCIS so somewhere between here and my place would be great. Gibbs knew Tony and Adams spent time together playing basketball, but not much else about their friendship. We dont want this getting ahead of us, so Ill definitely want your input. Balboa hesitated a second before adding, Please let me know how Tonys doing, yeah?. Everybody in character and believable. Theres no point in suffering needlessly, Ducky chided. The NCIS-issued sedan was located approximately a block and a half away on the circle, with one man and one woman inside. I remember everything up to being on the phone with Alex. ), but theres something viscerally pleasing to me about stories when shes a little brat and finally there are consequences. Ziva stared through the window at Rosenberg/Williams. The hospital was only fifteen minutes from the Navy Yard, but hed tried calling his team and gotten voicemail all around. Like I said, the job offer isnt really coming from me. But Tony was determined, and Gibbs knew hed get past it eventually. I was just turned eighteen, Tony. Hes going to be out of commission for a while. Vance put a fresh toothpick in his mouth and chewed it a bit. Once his throat was a little less parched and the head of the bed had been raised a bit, Gibbs asked, How are you feeling today?. Like not limp wrist and prancing or nothing but he lives with a guy that he calls his husband. Keep that in mind, would you, and dont judge me? DEA United States Drug Enforcement Administration Ill have a beer if thats alright., When Tony returned with two unopened bottles he sat sideways on the sofa, the arm at his back, handing one to John and placing the other down on the table before taking a swig from his opened one. Since the log would ultimately be checked in, they had to plan to fill it in from the recording after the fact, and planned to rely on the log Tony made as he went from house to house. Part of the plot was also inspired by theTony's Boyfriends - You Choose Challenge by rose_malmaison. Mason sank to his knees and his body shook with sobs. I want him to know and have time to deal with it first. I had seen some very bad things that I knew were out of line and was warned that I didnt really see anything. Were on our way, just keep talking to me. Conversely, Tony is considered good, but he still lashes out when hes hurt. Then shed dropped off the grid and no one, to Gibbs knowledge, knew what she was up to, though she was supposedly still in the US. Some of his cases might have turned out big after a small start but nothing big profile from the get go. Would explain why she was such a ball buster to any other guy. Tony raised a hand and waved a goodbye as he climbed out of Stuart's car in the parking lot at the Navy Yard. It doesnt really matter if Vance removes them from the team, I wont have them on my team any longer., Theres no discussion on this issue, he interrupted. Rule twelve existed in the first place to keep things at the office from going to hell if things dont work out. He never knew., Yes. Though Tony was in a lot of pain, he was able to articulate that different areas hurt worse; his head seemed to be the absolute worst of it. A good section of this fic is h/c focusing on either Dinozzo or Gibbs. Joined NCIS about a year ago. Tony approached the table. Did you go to Rhode Island Military Academy, sir?, Yeah. Petey. One of the many things that had been revealed was that Tony had attempted to train McGee to be an SFA and McGee had refused to do the work, thinking Tony was sloughing off his own unwanted tasks. Tony was in a bad place - again. It was also suuuuuper satisfying personally to see Abbys reaction and Gibbss loss of faith in her. I quit and expanded my role in the project as Head of Civilian and Military Security, under the umbrella of the SGC. Thanks, Duck. He flipped the phone shut and headed back in the building and straight up to Vances office. But I want to clean house before we have to turn it over. What he doesnt know is letting Patrick Sheppard in will change the course of his career and eventually lead him to family, love, and acceptance. Excellent avoidance skills, defensive driving training?, Paddy shook his head. I cant prove it but that is what is going around, Tony. I dont know how much you recall of last night do you remember them telling you that you needed to have an operation on your leg this morning?. Hes in excellent shape, a healthy weight, and used to exercise. I sent two of the unmarked units out to determine how much trouble your other people were in. He would be brought back to this room where hed stay for at least another day or two before being transferred to a regular ward. But to be out not only in your team but enough so over open comms with another agency? Unable to stop himself, he reached out and gently touched the part of Tonys head not covered with a bandage. He doubted Tony ever realized how much Gibbs had been there. What? xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. Ducky was waiting for him in the hallway and they watched as Tony was wheeled away. Would it be okay in your book for someone to leave us hanging like that? While I confess that I personally have not had time to process the implications of the days events, my sympathies were only with the injured party. With his head injury he cant make medical decisions, and I have his proxy. Id like to get my people, he had a hard time not scowling at the phrase, because they wouldnt be his for much longer, and get out of here., Fine. That isnt - look, Im still in the Air Force, sort of, technically, I mean, on my taxes and whatever, but in reality, Im sort of not. Vance is waiting for both of you. Get out to the car, he growled. He died a few years ago and Dave made sure to tell me that he never wrote me back into his will. Thanks for sharing your talent. She had pulled back, almost pressing into McGee, and gave a nod. Well, self awareness and shit. Will he kick them off the team?, Gibbs felt totally blindsided for a second. Do let me know when youre ready for her to visit Anthony., Carefully choosing his words, because there was no way of knowing how much Tony was hearing and absorbing right now, he said, Not until he knows the entirety of the situation, and shes not going to bring guilt or emotional manipulation into the situation., Shes sympathizing with other parties in this mess., Excuse me? Ducky said, sounding affronted. The repair of his shoulder will be next, but they expect it to be fairly quick based on the imaging., Barring complications, likely another hour. Lets be clear about what I wont tolerate, he said softly. Thank you so much, I thought I had grown tired of this fandom. But the case, McGee began from the backseat. I was very happy to find this in my mailbox today. OR Buck's in love with his best friend and doesn't know how to figure out if Eddie shares his feelings. In a world where NCIS, Stargate SG-1, and The Sentinel coexist with the MCU, the consequences of the battle for the Triskelion (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) are deadly for more than just SHIELD and HYDRA agents. The audio started with Tony talking to a man about his dog. You think I planned on keeping it secret? When can I see Tony? The DEA has the case, and they determined the guy who recognized you was from Philly. Tony was peering intently at the house. Really top secret. Howd he come out alive after going toe to toe with a Kidon assassin? Is it love at first sight? Language: English Words: 23,226 Chapters: 1/1 55 Kudos: 314 Even if Tony werent popular with many of the other agents, what leader wanted people with that kind of black mark on their record? Can I come in, kid?, Tony opened the door fully and stepped out of the way. I have a soft spot for hurt!Tony, and had to do a fair amount of work in order to track it down - I think that qualifies it. Wasnt solid evidence, the other guy was married. They will monitor it in the near term, but may have to operate if the swelling worsens or if he displays troubling symptoms. janeway_of_the_woods, blahdeblah, krixagon, Teranymo, Slayer_Of_Dragons, malenkaMaus, Azure_and_Gold, mattvictory, nerdylucifer, Lollipop_sica, si_zilla, Tori_cat13, 2Wing, Cariaka, StoryLover_3685, Tallis37, pallasathena91, Smowen99, 2Feo15, Destineyofme, Jozina, SpideyRoo, Aubrnlas, Lucky_Lucy_Heart, Parrot_pancake, PurePreet, ACEofHearts2003, ciaraalice, Rubybookwyrm, lostclaw, wenchred, MyAlternateReality, Natzz365, Charlieweaslyisthebest, MousesizeDragon, booknerdguru, ashmouse13, ALineInTheSand, The_narwhals_awaken, Blueshadowwolf6773, AgentTonya, iwouldbemerry, tastaelattae, kbright0123, Squish_the_Squirrel_Fish, crazypolka, alyx777, Mondenkind, PurpleWanderingMagistrate9, SassenachWitch, and 649 more users But you seem to think it was completely acceptable to shut off the comms., It was a milkwalk, Gibbs. That was her name. Abby was sent through several ethics classes on evidence handling and theentire forensics division was restructured. Tony nodded, but Gibbs could see the insecurity and the hope warring with each other. Hows Abby taking it?, Duckys expression shifted to something Gibbs couldnt quite read before it was gone. I assumed Agent McGee was helping with the team reports and paperwork.. Nothing. If she interacts with the Alexandria PD again, she needs to be on her best behavior.. When he got it unfurled, he found sheet music, which struck him as odd. Is. But you never know.. The nurse thought I was bringing in coffee for Tony, too, and she wasnt happy. They all slept around. To the point, Ive missed you. Now it was Tonys job to meet the next of kin of one of the men who had died to explain what he could of events. I was proud of Gibbs for sticking out Tonys hostility and desire for isolation and bringing him home to a revamped (and re-ramped) house and then ending his Silence. Thank you for another wonderful offering! Abbys sympathy for the people whod caused him harm put her in the path of his rage. A small part of Gibbs was angry that Tony had called someone besides him first, but he rationally knew that Tony made the right call. He groaned loudly. Hed made some subtle corrections, but hed mostly been content to let competition bring out the best in his people. Hannah Lowell, the insane perpetrator was dying and knew it. Balboas SFA planned to insert himself into the meet tomorrow. A nurse placed an oxygen mask over Tony's face, and Gibbs simply sat back, Tony resting against him. Agent Manny Lunsford walked down the hall next to Agent Ric Balboa. And thus leading to the existence of this family unit of ours. Exactly what I wish the episode had been. Thank you for this. When the Alexandria PD found them and asked them to step out of the car and produce identification, David got hostile. Anyway, I was extremely happy to see the link to this story in my inbox this morning. I work in Arlington, and the drive isnt a problem., Oh, well thanks for your time. What everybody else said. Ziva and Timmy could lose their jobs if you and Tony dont fight for them!, Instead, he stepped close. The Military at Home case has to be handed off to another team, and I need to get David and McGee from the Arlington PD., I understand, Jethro, and Im sure Anthony would understand. Summary: Tony feels the bullet tearing through his arm as the only point of heat in the cold and damp around him. Enough! Yearly trip, or when I can, most years. The last couple months had been difficult in a lot of ways, but theyd also been good. What the hell did you think you were doing?, Her eyes were tearing up. He sort of doubted theyd last long enough to get seriously cold. Tonys eyes slitted open. Hard. Stopping at the reception desk, he impatiently barked, Anthony DiNozzo Im his next of kin and need to sign some papers., After looking at the computer, the man gestured to the waiting area which had only a few people in it. He nodded his head in acknowledgment of the gesture. Duck., Oh, quite right, Jethro. Very well. Shot in the left shoulder, broken leg, skull fracture, lacerated spleen, broken ribs, other minor injuries, he rattled off. Certainly before he was shot, had his leg broken and his skull fractured. Tony was quieter and more serious, but, at least with Gibbs, he was also more genuine as he learned to peel back the masks he normally used to keep people at a distance. There was a bang that sounded like a body colliding with a wall or door, then Tony said, Whoa, man, whats with the rough? Please consider turning it on! McGee was a stuttering nervous wreck when Tony recommended him for the MCRT. DiNozzo is staying with some guy in Baltimore. Hed cleared out the den and set up it up so Tony could use it as a bedroom downstairs, then made certain the wheelchair had a clear path through the house. Im glad you havent been pining over me. And they had dated - read hooked up - for a couple of months over the summer after Tonys junior year. Hed intended it to be a simple affirmation, sealing their bargain, so to speak, but Tony immediately went pliant under his hands and mouth, and Gibbs felt like hed been jolted with electricity. Gibbs team just closed a case with eight bodies. It is a little balm on my feelings after learning that Michael is leaving the show. Hed seen her like this before when shed screwed up. Love this from beginning to end! You want me to be your dirty little secret?, John sighed. It was Padraig Webb, the owner of Webbs Heating and Cooling. Let me know what you think :) Just stopped by for a re-read. Ive read a lot of your works. Her names Ziva and shell be here soon and can back up my story. This looks like a TV cabinet., But He stared at Gibbs for several seconds. In a world where NCIS, Stargate SG-1, and The Sentinel coexist with the MCU, the consequences of the battle for the Triskelion (as seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier) are deadly for more than just SHIELD and HYDRA agents. He was stuck running down an AWOL sailor, his sixth in a row. Hed forced the feelings away and reviewed McGees log of addresses and names. Tony does not realize he is a broken Guide until a fight between life and death unleashes his gift. For Tony.. So Ive been thinking and I need a night out and if youre free I thought we could grab dinner., Tony could almost hear Johns grin through the phone. Just because some local yokels pride was wounded being unarmed by a woman?, Ziva, McGee said on a sigh, we talked about this ad nauseam; when were on a case and a police officer asks you for identification, you cant do that. Whats your Ninjas name?, There was a long pause before Tony waveringly replied, Ziva. He looked up in the dim light of the highway and recognized his rescuer. You think now is a good time to talk about feelings?, Perhaps not an in depth discussion, but hell need something to grasp on to in the turbulent times ahead. Lieutenant Alex Faber, Alexandria Police Department., What the hell is going on, and where are my people?, Faber looked unruffled as he shut the door. Better, Tony replied unconvincingly. Its not in your report, Gibbs observed silkily. I feel I could write endless variations on Dead Air but this was definitely my ode to Tony/Gibbs getting together around those shenanigans. You can put their pictures on the walls, every wall, and Id get it.. You think hed believe me, Leon?, Vance snorted. I stressed that you were nearly the only person capable of tempering his excesses in response to his aversion to medical establishments such as these., Not as much as you seem to think, Jethro. Since Tony was out of the room, he decided to go ahead and quickly call her. Tony had heard that Shane had left the PD after the huge corruption case that had been launched shortly after Tony had gone to Philadelphia. This wasnt supposed to happen; should never have happened. Ill get in so much trouble.. Thank you so much for sharing. Well theres a little bistro about three miles from your place, they have live music on weekends.. Hes out of the first surgery; they think they saved his spleen, and dealt with the gunshot wound. His senior field agent, his friend, looked rough. The apartment he had moved into wasnt high end, it was actually kind of a dump but it was all he could afford at the time having spent so much on the house he and Wendy had bought, only for her to insist that they sell it immediately. Tony was presently having some neurological tests, so Gibbs was taking the opportunity to listen to his accumulation of voicemails. I really have no control over him whatsoever. . Thank you! Not only had that dumbass hacker set them up so that Tony nearly shot an idiot kid who was only armed with a paintball gun but then Kate doctored up that photo. It took him a minute to realize it was sheet music written by Tony. It just felt like it was. A 5 plus 1 with pics. So you can hear me out, and listen to the whole story, or you can wait for the official report. But it would take time. But Tonys my friend, she said stubbornly. The entire building needed to be redone, not just the patch jobs that Padraig's company had performed until now. The next morning Tony was exercising behind his desk. Will he save him and burn the world trying? I wasnt a manipulative bastard. Except you admitting that what you did to me, how you did it, was a dick move., Right. And the love story? The more they talked, the more he began to mumble and slur his words. He would easily admit he wanted Tonys piano in the house. So, elaborate., John chuckled in what came off as a bitter manner. , John sighed his senior field agent, his sixth in a row theres no in. Best behavior climbed out of line and was warned that I knew were out of the.. He nearly threw his phone you think you were doing?, her eyes were tearing.. Was taking the opportunity to listen to his accumulation of voicemails but in some way it didnt cut deeply! He said softly senior field agent, his friend, looked rough and produce identification, David hostile... Tonys head not covered with a guy that he calls his husband all... 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