largest immigrant groups by state

Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, new Pew Research Center estimates based on census data adjusted for undercount. Asians are projected to become the largest immigrant group in the U.S. by 2055, surpassing Hispanics. Hover over a state to get the total foreign-born population and double click on a state to get top county estimates. Rounding out the list are caste (35 percent), economic policy (29 percent), and language (24 percent). How does this group perceive itself, and how does it believe others perceive it? Overall, 41 percent of respondents rate it as very important and another 37 percent rate it as somewhat important. Democrats, however, are more strident in their views toward individuals from the other party. This proportion declines dramatically for Hindus, with only 21 percent reporting regularly attending religious services. A very small minority, around 10 percent, strongly or somewhat disagrees. 51 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?. 53 Sumitra Badrinathan, Devesh Kapur, and Milan Vaishnav, On India, A Fracture in the Diaspora, Hindustan Times, February 10, 2021, My dad and mom told my brother and me that we came to America to be Americans. The data in figure 26 show that one in two Indian Americans reports being subject to some form of discrimination in the past year. Finally, Christians are more likely to self-identify as American without any hyphenation (9 percent versus 6 percent for Muslim and 4 percent for Hindus). The overall margin of error for the IAAS is +/- 2.8 percent. Although a large proportion are not U.S. citizens (38 percent), roughly 2.6 million are (1.4 million are naturalized citizens and 1.2 million were born in the United States). Fourteen percent of non-citizens are on F-1, J-1, or M-1 visascategories of student or scholar visaswhile another 5 percent hold an L-1 visa, a designation available to employees of an international company with offices in the United States. Nearly one in two respondents (45 percent) report discussing politics in the past yearby far the most common activity. Just 9 percent of them hold the same views vis--vis the Congress. Thirty-seven percent of Congress supporters are somewhat comfortable having friends who support the BJP (identical to the share of BJP supporters who are somewhat comfortable having Congress friends), but just 23 percent say they are very comfortable having BJP supporters as friends (for BJP supporters, the analogous share is 35 percent). Other states only made the top five list for short periods of time. The survey, drawing on both citizens and non-citizens in the United States, was conducted online using YouGovs proprietary panel of 1.8 million Americans and has an overall margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent. First, the survey asked respondents how important being Indian is to their identity. The 1965 Immigration Act allowed large numbers of Koreans to immigrate to the United States, a pattern which has continued to present day. This quiz has not been published by Sporcle, Open a modal to take you to registration information, Button that open a modal to initiate a challenge, Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield, Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield, Countries of the World - No Outlines Minefield, Continents by Number of Countries in Order, Last Letters Minefield: Countries of Asia, Last Letters Minefield: Countries of Europe, Find the Provinces of Canada - No Outlines Minefield, UK Immigrant Origin Countries by Continent. She holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania. At the time of the survey, more than half (55 percent) of Indian Americans reported that they had an immediate family member (spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, or daughter) currently residing in India. 30 For an overview of the debate over caste categories in Islam in South Asia, see Julien Levesque, Debates on Muslim Caste in North India and Pakistan: From Colonial Ethnography to Pasmanda Mobilization, Institut Francais de Pondichery and Centre de Sciences Humaines, June 1, 2020, 3 (2005): 169187. Send a Message. Much larger shares believe that other minority groups face greater discrimination than Indian Americans, including Latino Americans (90 percent), LGBTQ Americans (89 percent), African Americans (86 percent), and women (86 percent). In 2018, 3.6 million people in New York (18 percent of the state's population) were native-born Americans who had at least one immigrant parent. The data for this survey are based on a unique survey of 1,200 adults of Indian origin conducted between September 1 and September 20, 2020. This suggests that the evidence of polarization, while real, should not be overinterpreted either. In 2018, China accounted for 149,000 of the new immigrants entering the United States, followed by India (129,000), Mexico (120,000), and the Philippines (46,000). Send a Message. Among immigrants ages 5 and older in 2018, half (53%) are proficient English speakers either speaking English very well (37%) or only speaking English at home (17%). Migration Policy Institute tabulation of data from theU.S. Census Bureau's pooled 2009-2013American Community Survey. Overall, 19 percent of respondents report having a spouse who is not of Indian origin, but this is slightly more common among men (22 percent) than women (16 percent). How might non-Indians discriminate against Indians on the basis of caste if caste is not a salient category for them? . Immigrants from Mexico (7%) and Central America (11%) were the least likely to have a bachelors or higher. Douglas Farrar, Cliff Djajapranata, Fiona Garguilo, Jessica Katz, Laura Lucas Magnuson, Lori Merritt, Tim Martin, Jocelyn Soly, and Cameron Zotter contributed design, editorial, and production assistance. Vietnamese Americans are the largest Asian origin group by population in four states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Nebraska); Hmong Americans are the largest in Minnesota and Wisconsin; and Korean Americans are the largest in Alabama. Differences exist state-to-state in the proportion of people born outside of the U.S. 14 Mary Hanna and Jeanne Batalova, Indian Immigrants in the United States, Migration Policy Institute, October 16, 2020, How Do Indian Americans View India? Self-identification also varies by religion. This paper argues that while there is much that binds the community, there are also nascent signs that these common bonds are being tested as religious cleavages, generational divides, and political polarization invite fragmentation. Many states have large immigrant populations from India. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Whereas 53 percent of foreign-born Hindu Indian Americans affiliate with a caste group, 34 percent of U.S.-born Hindu Indian Americans do the same. . Given the relatively small share of Christians in the Indian American community, this suggests that Christmas is celebrated more on cultural than religious grounds. Hindus are also more likely than Muslims or Christians to state that they pray a few times a month, seldom, or never.27, Finally, the survey explores the issue of caste. Forty percent of Hindus say they pray once or several times a daysubstantially less than the 58 percent of Muslims or 66 percent of Christians who answer similarly. Somali immigrants are the second-largest immigrant group in Minnesota. The composition of immigrants changed again in the post-1965 immigration era. One of the questions asks respondents what their country of birth is. In contrast, there is more variation on the dimensions of region and caste. and the fact that the largest immigrant group in West Virginia is from The Philippines. Relatively few Indian Americans across the board report contacting an elected representative or other government official: 15 percent of U.S.-born citizens, 11 percent of foreign-born citizens, and 9 percent of non-citizens engaged in this class of activities. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 88% think immigrants strengthen the country with their hard work and talents, and just 8% say they are a burden. However, non-citizens and foreign-born citizens report nonparticipation at roughly twice the rate of U.S.-born citizens: 47 and 41 percent, respectively, compared to 22 percent of U.S.-born citizens. For complete survey topline results, please visit Appendix B here. The decline in the unauthorized immigrant population is due largely to a fall in the number from Mexico the single largest group of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Immigrants from Canada (96%), Oceania (82%), Europe (75%) and sub-Saharan Africa (74%) have the highest rates of English proficiency. The examination of partisanship, in turn, further distinguishes between partisan support in India and in the United States.43. 45 Carroll Doherty, Which Party is More to Blame for Political Polarization? For instance, the category Other Backward Classes (OBC) is common among Muslims, while Scheduled Castes or Dalits can also be found in Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, and Muslim communities. Taken together, more than three-quarters of Indian Americans place a high value on their Indian-ness. Around 22 percent state that their Indian identity is either somewhat or very unimportant.32. OCI status effectively functions as a lifetime visa and also grants recipients the ability to live and work in India on a permanent basis. Some 27% of immigrants were permanent residents and 5% were temporary residents in 2017. There is no variation at all based on duration of stay in the United States. According to data from the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS)which is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureauthere are 4.2 million people of Indian origin residing in the United States. The ordering in table 2 roughly corresponds with the map shown below. This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board (Protocol #843855). One possibility is that the person or persons engaged in caste discrimination could be from another South Asian country, where caste might be a meaningful marker of status and hold greater salience.50 Another possibility is that respondents interpret caste discrimination as a stand-in for other forms of discriminationon the basis of skin color or country of origin, for example. 8 See, inter alia, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, A New Lawsuit Shines a Light on Caste Discrimination in the U.S. and Around the World, Washington Post, July 13, 2020,; and Yashica Dutt, The Specter of Caste in Silicon Valley, New York Times, July 14, 2020, As figure 18 shows, 43 percent of foreign-born Indian Americans have a social network dominated by Indian-origin friends, compared to 25 percent of respondents born in the United States (adding up the shares of those who say all or most of their friends are of Indian origin). And to what extent are these differences being driven by political polarization in the country of origin (in this case, India)? In 2013, the House of Representatives had a single Indian . In order to be eligible to serve as a respondent for the IAAS, members of YouGovs panel must self-identify as a person of (Asian) Indian origin who resides in the United States. Not surprisingly, of the non-U.S. citizen population, 88 percent of IAAS respondents claim Indian citizenship. Thirteen percent of respondents are Muslim, 11 percent are Christian, and another 7 percent belong to a variety of other faiths including Buddhism and Sikhism. The low rate of political giving for non-citizens is expected given that non-citizens are forbidden from making political donations unless they are permanent residents (that is, they possess a green card). Indian Americans who are born in the United States are more likely to identify as Indian American (48 to 40 percent) and markedly less likely to identify as Indian (just 11 percent compared to 33 percent of foreign-born Indian Americans). The population of immigrants is also very diverse, with just about every country in the world represented among U.S. immigrants. Although overall levels of poverty are lower than the American average,5 there are concentrated pockets of deprivation, especially among the large number of unauthorized immigrants born in India and residing in the United States.6. Educational attainment varies among the nations immigrant groups, particularly across immigrants from different regions of the world. According to YouGov, its panel outperformed its peer competitors evaluated in this Pew study. The surveys findings are notable in this regard because previous research on polarization among the American general public has generally found that Republicans, not Democrats, possess greater antipathy toward members of the other party.45. Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 14, 2020, Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey, Russias Growing Footprint in Africas Sahel Region, The Method Behind Putins New START Madness, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Millions of people are polled annually as part of the American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau to learn more . The number of apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border has doubled from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2019, from 396,579 in fiscal 2018 to 851,508 in fiscal 2019. Immigrants from Mexico have the lowest rates of English proficiency (34%), followed by those from Central America (35%), East and Southeast Asia (50%) and South America (56%). How do Indian Americans relate to the Indian American community writ large. Conversely, the larger the size of a group, the greater the likelihood of meeting someone from that group. The immigrant population in the United States is extraordinarily diverse, with immigrants hailing from almost every nation. While 86 percent of Hindus report identifying with some kind of Indian identity, 71 percent of Christians and 52 percent of Muslims do the same. Early childhood risk, reach, and resilience. In about one-fifth of instances, both Indians and non-Indians were perceived to be jointly responsible. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Dallas Express. But members of this group exhibit significant variation in terms of their visa status (see figure 1). Asian immigrants collectively comprised 28% of all immigrants by region of birth in 2018. Therefore, the map above looks at the country other than Mexico that is the birthplace of the most foreign-born respondents in the survey. Just 12 percent report that hardly any or none of their friends share the respondents religion. The IAAS sample includes both citizens and non-U.S. citizens; the former category accounts for 77 percent of the survey respondents. Eighty-eight percent of Hindus say being Indian is very or somewhat important to them, compared to 79 percent of Christians and 66 percent of Muslims. If half of all Indian Americans report some form discrimination, this begs the question: Who is discriminating against them? The Asian population in the United States has nearly doubled since 2000, and Asians are projected to be the nation's largest immigrant group by the middle of the century, according to a new. U.S. Among immigrants ages 5 and older, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language. Responses are very divided. For more information, please refer to our Complete Comment Moderation Policy. As the number and/or concentration of Indian Americans in a geography increases, one might expect that respondents social networks might become more insular. The survey, drawing on both citizens and non-citizens in the United States, was conducted online using YouGovs proprietary panel of 1.8 million Americans and has an overall margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent. Of course, the composition of ones social networks is likely to be affected by their location. The smaller the size of a given group, the fewer opportunities individuals have of meeting someone from their same group. Muslims and Christians are significantly more likely than Hindus to say that religion is very important to thema gap of nearly 30 percentage points. Second, around one-third of Christians and Hindus and two-fifths of Muslims are situated in the middle, reporting that some of their Indian American networks are made up of friends of the same religion. Want the news delivered straight to your inbox? Here's How the Answer Got So Complicated, Time, March 12, 2020, The pattern is similar when it comes to caste, although nearly one-quarter of respondents claim they do not know what share of their friends belong to their caste group, suggesting that caste is a less salient category for a significant segment of IAAS respondents. Another 31 percent report little or no participation in religious services, claiming they do so seldom or never. Not all lawful permanent residents choose to pursue U.S. citizenship. . Americans were divided on future levels of immigration. 28 Dutt, The Specter of Caste in Silicon Valley; Jennifer Medina, Debate Erupts in California Over Curriculum on Indias History, New York Times, May 4, 2016, Mexican immigrants remain Minnesota's largest immigrant group, but the number of Mexican immigrants living in the state declined over the past decade. Forty-two percent of respondents who are not Indian citizens have taken advantage of the program.18. 24 Christine Tamir, Aidan Connaughton, and Ariana Monique Salazar, The Global God Divide, Pew Research Center, July 20, 2020, This statistic is nearly identical to the average of the American population at large. Caste has long been a sensitive and controversial issue in discussions about the Indian American community. Sign up to receive emails from Carnegies South Asia Program! Respondents for this survey were recruited from an existing panel administered by YouGov. Once more, U.S.-born citizens lead the pack with 22 percent of them reporting participation in this activity. 40 Interestingly, the Indian-origin composition of social networks does not vary significantly by respondents age. For instance, for Indian Americans who skeptically view the rise of Hindu majoritarianism in India, it is unclear how they might apportion blame given that religion, leadership, and political parties are all deeply intertwined, especially in the current political scenario. As with political parties in the American context, there is a certain degree of asymmetric polarization as far as supporters of the Congress and the BJP are concerned, although both groups are generally more hostile toward supporters of the opposing Indian party than is true in the analogous case of Republicans and Democrats (see figure 24). (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. By contrast, more than half (57%) of immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for 20 years or more are proficient English speakers. We are grateful to Ashley Grosse, Alexander Marsolais, and their colleagues at YouGov for their help with the design and execution of the survey. Followed by Cushite-Beja-Somali, Hmong, and Vietnamese. Immigration will continue to shape our communities for generations to come. Check your email for details on your request. Yet these views vary starkly by political affiliation. We welcome and appreciate comments onThe Dallas Express as part of a healthy dialogue. 9% of Minnesotans are immigrants, up from 5% in 2000 but down from 37% in the late 1800s. Report. The survey asks respondents to identify the primary language (other than English) spoken by their mothera narrow, literal definition of the concept of ones mother tongue. Responses are divided neatly into thirds when it comes to who is doing the discriminating: Indians, non-Indians, and people of both categories are almost equally to blame.49. South America South Central Asia South Eastern Asia Western Asia Alabama Immigrants U.S. born Mexico Guatemala India China/HK Korea Germany Vietnam Philippines United Kingdom Canada Honduras Jamaica Japan Colombia El Salvador Immigrants 20K 40K 60K Mapbox OSM Top 15 countries of birth Migration Policy Institute MPI Data Hub The propensity scores were grouped into deciles of the estimated propensity score in the frames and post-stratified according to these deciles.57. To what degree do Indian Americans engage with American politics, their civic community, and Indian culture? In 2018, roughly 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants. Indian Americans who have no allegiance to either major party hold slightly asymmetric views as well. 43 The survey asks respondents how comfortable they would be having close friends from various backgrounds. Comments. The top 15 states also include several with large immigrant populations, such as Florida, Washington, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, where the foreign-born population grew faster than in the country overall. The first, released in October 2020, explored the political attitudes and preferences of Indian Americans in advance of the November 2020 U.S. presidential election.12 The second, published in February 2021, explored how Indian Americans view changes underway in Indian politics.13, Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group in the United States.14. However, whereas the earlier data looked at political leaders and organizations, this section reviews interpersonal attitudes. By tidal93341. 2023 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. This section explores how Indian Americans view the subject of their own identity. First, Hindus are more likely to report that most or all of their Indian friends are also Hindus, underscoring a greater degree of religious homogeneity in their social networks. The Dallas Express is a non-profit organization funded by charitable support and advertising. This is a genuine puzzle. The states with the largest immigrant populations are California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 3, 2017, and written by Gustavo Lpez, a former research analyst focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics; and Kristen Bialik, a former research assistant. First, the survey asks respondents to consider how discrimination against Indian Americans compares to discrimination directed toward other minority communities in the United States. Hindus who recently arrived in the United States are just as likely to identify with a caste group as those who have been here for a quarter-century or more.31. All rights reserved. Many Indian immigrants might have brought with them identities rooted in their ancestral homeland, while others have eschewed them in favor of a nonhyphenated American identity. 34 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?, 2022. In terms of attending religious services, there is also significant variation within the Indian American community. In 2018, the percentage of women giving birth in the past year was higher among immigrants (7.5%) than among the U.S. born (5.7%). The top countries of origin for immigrants were the Dominican Republic (11 percent of immigrants), China (9 percent), Mexico (5 percent), Jamaica (5 percent), and India (4 percent). To broaden the aperture, the survey asks about discrimination along several dimensions beyond country of origin: skin color, gender, religion, and caste. Reported discrimination based on country of origin and caste is roughly similar for both groups (around 1516 and 56 percent, respectively). Respondents who support neither the BJP nor the Congresslisted as Otherappear more favorably inclined toward the Congress. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider From the 1820s to the 1840s, approximately 90 percent of immigrants to the United States came from Ireland, England, or Germany. The February 2021 IAAS paper found that almost seven in ten Hindus approve of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis performance, while just one in five Muslims feel the same.34 However, without longitudinal data, it is unclear to what extent the religious divide reflects the specificities of the current contextin which Muslims in India feel especially marginalized and discriminated againstor is instead a product of longer-term trends. When asked how important religion is in their life, 72 percent of respondents reply that religion is either very important or somewhat important. The first time Mexicans did not make up the bulk of Border Patrol apprehensions was in 2014. Based on these portraits, here are answers to some key questions about the U.S. immigrant population. Chinese Americans are the largest Asian origin group in the U.S., making up 24% of the Asian population, or 5.4 million people. To provide an accurate picture of the Indian American community as a whole, the full sample contains both U.S. citizens and nonU.S. 42 Shanto Iyengar, Gaurav Sood, and Yphtach Lelkes, Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity Perspective on Polarization, Public Opinion Quarterly 76, no. Young people place less importance on being Indian, even after controlling for how long they have been in the United States. This margin of error is calculated at the 95 percent confidence interval. To probe this issue, the survey provides respondents with eight identity categories and asks them which of the following best describes their background. The surveys initial question on whether respondents personally identify with a caste grouping is restricted to respondents who identify with Hinduism (and make up slightly more than half of the IAAS sample), where caste categories are reasonably well-defined.30 However, broader questions regarding the role that caste plays in social networks (discussed later) are asked of all respondents. New immigrant arrivals have fallen, mainly due to a decrease in the number of unauthorized immigrants coming to the U.S. Non-Indians discriminate against Indians on the dimensions of region and caste please visit Appendix B here annually as of! Accounting for 25 % of all U.S. immigrants visit Appendix B here immigrants. None of their own identity lifetime visa and also grants recipients the ability to live and in. The examination of partisanship, in turn, further distinguishes between partisan support India... 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largest immigrant groups by state