gloomhaven best party composition

You are capable of drawing up elements and then turning them into deadly weapons. These two approach enemies and the enemies just die. You will have to pray your enemies are next to an ally. Even though the scenarios and character backstories are pre-determined, players choose which missions to take on and how to react to random. When you play as a Brute, your strength is in your tanker abilities and the way you demolish your enemies. If your strategy isnt much of a defender and your focus is not primarily on mitigating damage, you can use him to deal damage to your enemies. Spellweaver - The Spellweaver, as a ranged aoe-based class, only gets better as the number of enemies increases. But as long as one player completes the objective, the party collectively wins. I would say a Spellweavers health Because your team is constantly shifting as characters retire, you may want to refit your hand when you see the abilities of the newly introduced characters. So instead of cliched dice-chucking we have the attack modifier deck. We certainly don't need more tankiness or healing and the obstacle control is only moderately useful as the Brute can hardly take advantage of it at all. But thats not always optimal. And, of course, the Scoundrel will have adjacency bonuses thanks to the Brute as well as the safety allowed by the Tinkerer when she inevitably gets hit. I've been sticking with 2 mercs just to keep things simple, but I can't seem to beat anything and I'm just at the beginning of the free play part of the game. However, away. Also, Spellweaver has 3 heal abilities out of which you will probably Clicking on these banners and making a purchase will result in financial compensation for Meeple Mountain. Your party can use positioning to clog enemy advancement. For example, if you are a character that utilizes Invisibility (like the Mindthief), then you want to alternate going early and late. On your turn you must play the bottom ability on one card and the top ability of another. Verdict: deadly but requires precise play, can be very punishing. Now your stamina is permanently decreased. Mindthief - if anyone has ever played arena in WoW, this would be the equivalent of running a 3 DPS comp. } Now, Scoundrel is ranked sixth because it can get frustrating to play as a Scoundrel. For the most part, you cannot control when it appears. To be able to deal melee attacks or manipulate with mental abilities, you will need to know about the position of your allies and enemies. Here is a more detailed overview of each class and how to play them. Brute + Cragheart + Mindthief. Summons never activate on the turn they are brought into play. But all three characters are intrinsically powerful and you have good damage and good control with a bit of healing, so it's not all bad. Read Meeple Mountain's top ten strategies to help you win more in Gloomhaven. turn. My own group recently expanded, and I have now learned some tips I wish I knew then. Maybe one of you needs to switch up your plans to allow the other to have a bigger play (we will hit on this more later). A key concept here when changing your plans is to conserve cards; that is, dont use a Lost card ability as a throwaway. Verdict: a very straightforward and powerful party, both fun and easy to play. It is obvious she is low on stamina and boardgame geek . Short resting lets you keep your momentum and keep fighting but at the cost of losing cards unpredictably. The movement cards for a Spellweaver basically support her to keep up with the gang and not fall too behind. Now, since the game offers different situations at different times, building an effective character is the key. A Spellweaver can deal out some serious damage and to a lot of enemies at once. First, you and your allies can position yourselves to spread enemy attacks. So snuggle up to those ranged enemies and use the map to corner them to utilize the disadvantage rule to your advantage. Each party size (2, 3 and 4) is individually rated as this can have a dramatic impact on character effectiveness and allows you to build the best 4 player party, best 3 player party and best 2 player party. The number of monsters and type (more Elites) scales with party size, but it helps some of the classes (Music Note) shine with more heroes and enemies. Both the CH and SW can provide a little bit of healing, which is really all you need in 3p, the CH and Brute are both very tanky so can absorb the necessary hits, your aoe combos are insane and you have the Brute to finish off single targets. Cragheart is best at versatility. However, you lose it if used, hence its wiser to use it towards the end of the scenario. The versatility of this character along with her power to heal makes her one of the best preferred gloomhaven characters. This means you can't simply rest, then immediately rest again to try exhaust yourself (for battle goals or personal quests). attacks. If the enemies in the scenario prove to be a bad match, there's no shame in abandoning the scenario and playing a different one that's better suited to your party composition. } Mindthief scores low on health. Ranged attacks are put at disadvantage when targeting an adjacent space, which means they are more likely to draw a weaker attack modifier. Brute + Spellweaver + Scoundrel. Craghearts can loot at a normal As you are playing the game youll be flipping through your attack modifier deck to inflict damage on your enemies. While every character has card abilities that are almost always useful, not all of them are the right cards in every map. That being said, what size party should I be using? Copyright 2023, Gloomhaven Starting Classes Symbols and Overviews. When you are roleplaying the Scoundrel you begin to feel like an actual assassin. Oh, and speaking of damage, where did it go? When you take away those abilities, he basically just becomes a poor man's Tinkerer or Spellweaver for this party, and either of them would be a much better choice. Some of the starting cards The Gloomhaven class tier list below is rated on a S > A > B > C > D rating system that is summarised below. But you could end up relying on others to heal you as well. Some enemies wont move, but if youre standing near them they will hit multiple times. display: inline-block; Verdict: insane damage but can be insanely punishing if careless - absolutely not recommended for beginners. body#layout .navigation { Theres little point in wasting your movement and attack on enemies with that behavior. Scoundrel - There's no starting character the Scoundrel likes to be paired with more than the Brute so this is a very happy marriage to start a party. among the classes. Main Page; . Craghearts have good health. You absolutely have to kill everything very quickly and at the same time be very, very careful with your movement so you don't take unnecessary damage. A Mindthief can be introduced as a vermling who can cause single-target damages. If you are playing the Spellweaver be prepared to position yourself at the right spot before you plan to deal out the damage. Fighting every enemy will likely get you killed. She is like a glass cannon with low health and can easily be exhausted. You wont get exhausted quickly if you are careful with the ability cards. a mere amount of 8 points for health, Thus, your party isn't really completely safe, but you have some amount of an emergency plan and you don't miss out on damage for it. Valve Corporation. With the combination of these two characters, you pretty much have all of your bases covered and can expand the party in whichever direction you want. Scoundrel - Would you like some damage with your damage? If you get to the point of the campaign where your party reputation is high enough to get significant discounts, you can buy and or swap potions relatively cheaply. As I mentioned earlier, Scoundrel A late summon initiative means that your newly-summoned friend will hopefully avoid being attacked while it clears its head. To begin playing the game, choose an individual quest. When it comes to Gloomhaven, some classes are better than others. Verdict: not as good as the above but still very good. It can heal but not the way other classes can. As you become more experienced you may not need to have a discuss plans phase. good at looting. wise that you trade this card for something more useful. When choosing a card to lose to negate damage, you obviously want to select cards that have diminished value in the current state of the game. Now this allows a spellweaver to Is Fleet: The Dice Game a lucrative catch, or does it get lost in the sea of roll and writes? Another party with basically no weakness. there is op character, namely spellweaver at lvl 9. honestly there is no huge difference who comes with her, but i prefer tinkerer, so i can spam inferno 4 turns in a row. You can often add or change out cards for stronger cards. On that note, dont forget that you can Lose a card from your hand or two cards from your discard to negate damage. This will stop most enemies on the other side of the door from even moving, since they have no valid spot to perform an attack. For the most part, any party composition will work. When it comes to damage, the Pg 17 of the rulebook: The rest action can only be taken if a player has two or more cards in his or her discard pile, and a rest action always results in losing one of the discarded cards. Verdict: an awkward combo in the early levels but it can still work well enough with just a slightly handicapped Cragheart. MEC: M - 10, E - 8, C - 6, Overall: 8.6. This tanker will smash enemies even when in a close combat. But dont hear me say that you shouldnt use those Lost abilities. You can clog narrow hallways with your party to funnel enemies into a surrounded trap. Using a late initiative can ensure that other teammates continue to draw fire and spread the damage among the party, while buying time for you to recover. A Brute is not complex, your abilities are pretty simple and understood. At higher levels where you can carry more potions, also look out for opportunities to carry potions for your teammates. You have a little crowd control and a tiny amount of defense but you mostly just have an epic amount of melee damage. Pay attention to monster activity. It's sticker time! However, all 6 cards do not offer a fast pace. On the other hand, I feel like if you're not getting the strategy down while playing with 2 mercs, you're going to be totally sunk controlling 3 or 4 mercs. So just remember that this guide is meant to be a tool to help people who want help, not to tell you that you shouldn't play whatever combo you enjoy playing. scope of getting experience. You could try Below I will describe why. Conclusion - Gloomhaven Summoner Guide - Ranged Damage. Heres an introduction to Gloomhaven starting classes if you are getting started with this legendary role-playing game. The Brute would rather a Tinkerer if he wanted the Cragheart primarily for healing/utility and a Spellweaver if he wanted the CH for aoe damage. And Craghearts also possess minor healing abilities. Initiative helps with this because enemies often attack by initiative tiebreakers. When you are clustered in a throng of enemies, you can use an early initiative to attack and then move back out of range. The Tinkerer can't keep a Mindthief alive if he's the only one in melee but with the Brute there as a distraction, he'll be quite safe. If you spend too many of your Lost card abilities early, you may have done some serious damage in the first room or two, but you are much more likely to become exhausted before the end of the scenario. Brute + Cragheart + Scoundrel. enemy shes attacking isnt close to an ally. Your power to spell casts from far away also helps. Actual party comp is hard but the best character for each party size in my opinion is. This card also awards them an experience point. Some are quick to sideline this as just a different version of dice, which leads them to disregard the value it brings into battle for a few key reasons. However, the Tinkerer also has healing abilities that can be used when you or allies get hurt. Hence, it is practically impossible to know where anyone is or even expect that everyone would be at an ideal spot. This party will clear through rooms consistently faster than any other starting party of three characters, but can also lose a scenario faster than just about any other. In that case, switch out cards that have limited movement and load your deck with high mobility. Rebuild the city of Lisbon after its destruction in the mid-18th century. Just one example are the cards that let you do something if an ally is adjacent to you. What is more important is your party has. These links are clearly indicated by the Amazon banner near the top of the page. with active negative conditions. body#layout .sidebar_bottom { Your party can often hem enemies in at close range. A brute lacks this. Tinkerer - thus far I've been ordering the third partners from best to worst. That is the easiest way to level up. The biggest problem with this group is that the Brute is kind of out of place - there's no need for a melee tank/damage-dealer with two other ranged characters, the Cragheart would just be strictly better. Where you stand on the map can often be just as important as what type of attack you are planning. If the scenario says anything other than this, you may need to pay a bit more attention. Some players enjoy utilizing certain builds they see online. Talking about experience points, I've been asked a few times to make a guide for 3p parties to help people playing at that number looking for party composition advice. When you take the three lowest-damage characters of the starting six, you're going to have some issues. its done with. Other good combos: Spellweaver + Brute, Scoundrel + Brute, Cragheart + Brute All tinkerer combos are a bit weaker because tinkerers healing abilities are not that important in a 2-player game. Cragheart - The Cragheart will just feel like a worse Spellweaver most of the time in this party as his allied-damage is a big drawback with 2 melee allies and his obstacles will often cause more harm than good. However, if you are standing closest to the enemy and your allies are a bit out of reach, you may become an enemy pincushion while trying to catch some Zs. As with the Tinkerer+Brute base, the Mindthief brings welcome melee damage that can safely close on enemies thanks to his Brute ally. The Tinkerer rounds out the weaknesses/risks of a Brute + Scoundrel party by providing a bunch of utility/support to keep the damage-dealers safe. With the starting ability you could catch up faster but once you lose the card And of utmost significance, it determines the pecking order of who gets attacked in your party. Despite not having a ton of healing, you have enough burst and crowd-control to deal with tough spots most of the time. Lastly, positioning is of utmost importance when you prepare to long rest. Some enemies like to turtle and heavily shield themselves. The game offers many variations for possible builds of Gloomhaven character classes. casting spells using the elements. High-fantasy adventure awaits all who walk through the gates of Thunderstone Keep. The Mindthief is an interesting and complex character to play. As Gloomhaven is currently in Early Access, it features seven playable characters. Copyright 2015-2023 | Meeple Mountain , Interview with Vital Lacerda, Designer Extraordinaire. Brutes have a hand limit of 10. thanks, just getting going on steam and found it useful, Board Game Gift Guide 2022 41+ of the best board game gifts, If you're hunting for the best board game gifts for the 2022 Holiday Season, then look no further! However, she does have a One of their starting cards gives them the ability to loot from a hex } makes it quite obvious that Scoundrels can cover quite some distance in one Amazing! The rogue Scoundrel is more of an assassin whose attacks can cause immense damage if and when she acts from the right place and time. Long resting is obviously preferable if you can afford to spend the turn doing so. This is one of the major reasons why gamers enjoy it so much. A Mindthief can achieve a lot in The number of monsters and type (more Elites) scales with party size, but it helps some of the classes (Music Note) shine with more heroes and enemies. I've played the online version as brute/spellweaver up to level 7. If you haven't got access to enhancements yet, I recommend you go back to your game until you eventually unlock it. And sometimes the poor tank needs a break. To begin with, there are 6 Gloomhaven starting classes: Before we get into a detailed discussion about Gloomhaven character classes, itd be better to go through the general Gloomhaven class guide and get an idea. Keep in mind that these cards are lost once used. Did you know that playing Lost cards early also greatly decreases the max turns you have than if you play the same Lost ability later in the game? Just an average looter who can attempt looting from one hex away. You can heal yourself or others. My team recently stumbled upon by far the most overpowered party combo we have seen to date. Enemies consider this an obstacle so its almost as if you just walled the enemies in. Scenarios are the 'levels' in the Gloomhaven series. There are reasons for going early, but there are many for going late as well. This also allows the scope of losing cards. I would say, without hesitation, that this is the best possible 3p starting character composition. Brute + Spellweaver was great in 2p and it's still a pretty good way to start in 3p. Spellweaver - a really good party composition, the Spellweaver brings more control, just enough healing, and a lot of aoe damage to complement the single-target of the Mindthief and Brute. Playing with Scoundrel and Mindtheif? This can cause enough damage and weaken the enemy. After that, you should have a much easier time running a 3+ group since you're more familiar with the abilities involved at that point. float: right; minor shield and can immobilize enemies to move them away while she dashes And the slimmer your deck is, the higher odds you have of pulling those desired cards. With the Mindthief and Tinkerer you have a ton of control as well, and with all that plus all the healing from the Tinkerer, you can get out of almost any jam. There are some abilities and items that can summon allies into play. This comes from the Tinkerers abilities of recovery and healing combined with its powerful traps and buffs. Some of the mercs are better than others in different situations. Through the Nest. I'll be starting Gloomhaven in a few weeks (as soon as I wrap up the D&D game I've been running for 4 years), and am starting to think about what class I want to play. Thanks, Justin, for this piece of clarity. But employing these strategies has helped me return to the Sleeping Lion victorious with some hard-earned experience and coin. In fact it can even be difficult to play a Mindthief. A Tinkerer is a supporter and has to pay attention to every detailed move of an enemy or ally. Once you lag, it will take you several rounds before you catch up. So far weve discussed strategies related to beginning your game: checking the objective, setting up your hand of cards, utilizing initiative, and selecting abilities. Begin to feel like an actual assassin your momentum and keep fighting at. Map to corner them to utilize the disadvantage rule to your game until eventually! Where you can afford to spend the turn doing so fighting but at the right cards in every.. Or even expect that everyone would be at an ideal spot of defense but you mostly have... And to a lot of enemies increases running a 3 DPS comp. are careful with the cards... 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gloomhaven best party composition